Paul was in difficult situations… again…In prison, but his attitude teaches us- not to ignore the circumstances but to know Whose we are in the circumstances and Why we are in those circumstances…… and in this verse, to see the circumstances as opportunities for…OTHERS…”
“…I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for the sake of you Gentiles.“-{Eph 3:1}-
In your circumstances KNOW WHOSE YOU ARE…
1. – “…CHRISTS…” – Paul knew he was not ROME’S prisoner but Christs.”I Paul the prisoner of Christ…” He belonged to Christ and HE was LORD of his circumstances
2. – OTHERS – LOOK AROUND and see who is in the circumstances with you and KNOW,… “I AM HERE FOR….YOU!”– Others in your circumstances. You are here for them! Paul wrote in Philippians 1:12 -“Now I want you to know, brethren, that my circumstances have turned out for the greater progress of the gospel,…” in verse 13 he EVANGELIZED… in verse 14 he ENCOURAGED the believers that they spoke the Word of God boldly without fear. such was his influence on them, because he was in there with them. Be Christ and Others occupied!
Sometimes you find yourself in difficult circumstances that you never would have chosen and it is possible to lose sight of eternal matters and turn “inward” rather than “Upward” towards God and “Outward” towards others!
When Paul and Silas were unjustly thrown in prison they looked Upward and were praying and singing praises and hymns to God, despite having been beaten.. and the prisoners listened and then God sent a violent earthquake. the jailer believing that all the prisoners would escape was willing to take his own life, but Paul told him not to do himself any harm. Paul assured him the prisoners were all there and the Jailor and his family were saved. Eternal salvation! Paul and Silas in difficult circumstances knew Whose they were and Why they were there and we read that testimony in His Word.
- I love the passage in Acts 13:36 which I affectionately call, “David’s Obituary, ” note what God says of David, “For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell asleep, …” David in the circumstances he was in served the purpose of God in his generation. He was not perfect, but his direction of life was serving God’s purpose in his generation.
- Don’t Daydream about what you wish the way things were and miss the reality of where you are and Whose you are and the people who are in your circumstances. Seek to serve them for Jesus sake!
PRAY and ASK the LORD TO remember WHOSE you are, “CHRIST’S” in these circumstances and you are there for OTHERS … As Paul said, “…Ourselves Your Servants, FOR Jesus sake!”-{2 Cor 4:5}
You are CHRIST’S
You are in your CIRCUMSTANCES for OTHER’S Benefit, for Jesus sake!