As a Christian you are a Purchased possession, you are no longer your own, but you belong to Jesus Christ,“…you are not your own? For {gives the explanation} you have been purchased at a price. Therefore glorify God in your body.”-{1 Cor 6:19-20.}
1. I Have Been Purchased
2. I Am Not My Own
3. I Belong To A Person- Christ…
4. I Know MY Life’s Purpose – Glorify God.
In every circumstance YOU find yourself in, you can know your purpose in it… To GLORIFY God -“Therefore…” I am to Glorify God in my body!
In any situation, YOU can be tempted to compromise and so YOU need a PRE-PLAN. And Like Daniel {Daniel 1:8}, YOU need to pre-plan, before YOU get into a temptation, to know what Your plan is… and these verses in 1 Cor 6:19-20, give YOU a reminder of Whose YOU are and What Your Purpose is in the circumstance. You are PURCHASED FOR A PURPOSE!- “GLORIFY GOD in your body!”
Note; Think about these truths;
I am Purchased. I belong to a Person, and In Every Circumstance I Have Purpose…TO Glorify God!...
Read, re-read, Memorize, Meditate, APPLY 1 Cor 6:19-20