“BOB THE BUILDER … Can we build it? Yes we Can!” If you had kids around the time of “Bob the builder” you are aware of his slogan” Can we build it – Yes we can!” And although your name may not be “Bob” and may not be a”handy man” as Bob was but “in Christ ,” you too can be part of Building up God’s people in their faith, hope, and love as they sojourn on this earth. For you were created in Christ for good works -(Eph 2:10) and part of that is Edifying His People!

God hasĀ given us His Son to save us, and to empower us -( Phil 4:13) and His Word to guide us and magnificent promises to encourage us -(2 Peter 2:3-4)
God wants us to be a people who “… Build up” one another – ( Rom 14:19)

“Edify” One Another… It has to do with the way we treat people the word “Edify,” Means to “Build Up,” through Love in their faith!

If you would like a good study read the VERSES referenced beside each of the headings below and see how you can personally today “edify or Build up” others…

It’s easy to tear down and destroy “But God…” Wants us to “Build up” people in their relationship with Him, their faith, hope, and love …it is a mutual ministry we are to have towards one another for the common good.

Consider these verses and pray for yourself and others to “build up” people … For it is Always His will for you … We either are Building people up in their faith or being used by the evil one to tear them down and destroy !

God has given us several tools to help Build one another up…

1.- Build Up by PREFERRING OTHERS- (Rom 14:15-19)

2.- Build Up With your LOVING and GRACIOUS SPEECH– ( Eph 4:25,29, Col4:6)

3.- Build Up with your SACRIFICIAL LIVING OUT OF LOVE. -( 1Cor 8:1)

4.- Build up through exercising your SPIRITUAL GIFTS – (1 Cor 14,12,26)

5- Build up through GOD’S WORD – (Acts 20:32,)

Consciously choose to know how and what God wants you to know as the verses above teach to intelligently know how to edify, build up one another through lovingly applying His Word to those you are in contact with. And what great verses to include in YOUR PRAYING for others in their growth in grace that they may increase in lovingly choosing to “Build others up,”TODAY!

“Build up” through your example, speech, Love, spiritual giftedness and God’s Word as your guide and Governor !

Can you do it ? By His power – Yes…you…Can!

Be A Builder today not a Destroyer!