“Run the race set before you, looking away from all else to Jesus…”- {Heb 12:1-2}
Look at the verse again, isn’t it interesting He says “Run the race set before… YOU…”
We have a tailored race, each of us has to run by faith, and we have a lane to run in, we are not called to compare to another’s lane or to desire to be in another lane, but we have been placed in a lane as it is compared to a race and this is not always an easy lane as the word “Race” is where we get our English root word “agonize” from!
“RUN”-“Agon,”– “means to engage in an intense struggle. Agon was the picture of an intense contest for victory as in the Olympic games, and describes physical or nonphysical force against strong opposition. Agon can describe the place of the contest, such as an arena or stadium. This word emphasizes that the Christian race is a struggle involving conflict, contention and strife. Christians must understand that the “race” we are called to run is not easy. If we do not understand this truth, we may be surprised and even overwhelmed by the conflict. Beloved, forewarned is forearmed!” {preceptaustin}
“Agon,” speaks of a struggle, an athletic contest, or a struggle. A grueling conflict. “In the ancient world, athletic contests could be so severe they caused the toughest men to crumble. Indeed, this was common.”-{Help word studies}
It speaks of struggle focus, determination, concentration, undivided attention and giving all you can, commitment, and deliberate attention. And the way we endure and get through it is by “looking away from all else,” the difficulties, temptations,…to JESUS!
“…looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.”-{Hebrews 12:2}.
Though we are all to run by faith in Jesus, it does not mean all our circumstances will be the same. The object of our faith is what we have in common!
And we are to run this race not by sight, what we see, feel, but by faith in our Faithful Savior, Resurrected LORD who has ascended to the Throne and is there as Sovereign King who empathizes and Intercedes for us as revealed in His Word, which is truth. Think on Him, Trust Him, Relate all to Him, and derive from Him the pattern, power, and perspective to personally Run looking away to the Person – our LORD JESUS CHRIST from all else! -{Read Phil 2:13, Phil 4:19}.