Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not fear {tremble} or be discouraged, {dismayed,} for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” -{Joshua 1:9}.
God had a PROMISE For Joshua to hold onto as he was about to encounter conflict as he went forward doing God’s business.
SOME people think that if they follow the LORD life should be easy, problem free, and God keeping them from any pain, conflict, difficulties, opposition, suffering. But that is not what the Scriptures teaches. Troubles are part and parcel of life to varying degrees, but for the follower of the LORD Jesus they can expect trouble as they seek to advance His kingdom, do His will. “Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” -{ 2 Tim 3:12}.“Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you; “-{1 Peter 4:12}. These verse show we will suffer and not to surprised. But we have a “Christianity,” teaching, that is not Scriptural, and so people are taken off guard when they do! They believe if they are in what they term “the will of God,” then they are bullet proof from any pain. But we see in this passage Joshua was about to do His work, His will and the LORD was sharing he would face conflict and what he needed to do and what Promise he needed to hold on to and rest in. For God had a promise for him, as He does you too. The PROMISE of His presence with you wherever you go and whatever you encounter. He Guarantees it!
From this passage in Joshua we can learn from this verse that we are to Be Aware…Be Alert… The Lord tells Joshua ahead of time, before he faces various circumstances in the will of God as he goes forward doing His will. Note, He commanded Joshua…this is not optional, but God commands and when He does He will give the power to DO AS HE COMMANDS.
In The Will Of God… Conflict Is To Be Expected;
The Two Prong Attack – “Fear and Discouragement”
We often mistakenly believe that if we follow the Lord, everything will be fine, no conflict, a life of ease to be expected. But not so! Ephesians 6 speaks of the spiritual warfare believers are in. Jesus says in the world we will have trouble, but to be of good cheer for He has overcome the world. James speaks about “when you encounter various trials,” not “If.” Trials are inevitable, but God honoring responses are not! We choose how we respond, at times yielding to fear and like the spies who came back and refused to believe God rather choosing to listen to the bad report by the spies. Fear won, for it was yielded to at the rejection of God and His promise of giving them the land.
Nehemiah knew of this two prong attack while seeking to rebuild not only the walls but God’s people when he said of those who opposed him seeking to do God’s will, “They tried to make me fearful in order to discourage me that the work might stop!” -{Nehemiah 6:9}. The purpose of the two prong attack? “That the work might stop!” It is always the goal-Quit! “Throw in the towel!” So the attack is on the mind, the emotions, to influence the will. “Fear” and “Discouragement,” being two of the evil one’s weapons! As it was with Joshua, Nehemiah, so too you will be the target of such an attack! “But God…”
In The Will Of God… There Is Provision For You;
Two Prong Answer -“Be Strong, Be Courageous” –
Three times God tells him to “be strong, be courageous,” {v 6,7,9}- And he would need to be as he goes forward as he would face so much opposition. These words carry the idea of “standing firm and strong in the face of opposition.” It is not strong in “self,” but in the power of God. His Word shows him the means to be strong, “This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success.“-{Joshua 1:8}, Draw strength and courage from Him who commands, His Word and …
In The Will Of God… There Is A PROMISE For You;
Assurance, Motivation; “For The Lord your God IS WITH YOU You wherever you go.”- {Joshua 1:9}
Is there ever a time, place He is not with you? NO! What about if you don’t “feel” His presence? It is not a matter of how YOU “Feel” but what HE says! He Promises He is with you“wherever you go!” The assurance of God’s presence with him would strengthen and embolden him to “be strong, be courageous,” to do His will! “As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.” is His promise!
His promise to Moses, His promise to Joshua, is also His promise to the disciples –“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”-{Matt 28:20}; and His promise to you, “…for He Himself has said, “I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you,!”-{ Hebrews 13:5}. “…God, who cannot lie, promised long ages ago,” –{Titus 1:2}.
In The Will Of God…Faith Is To Be Exercised…
You have the power to Refuse to yield to the temptation to “Fear {terror} and Discouragement.” “Through His Divine power He has granted to us EVERYTHING pertaining to life and Godliness…”-{2 Peter 1;3}. Fear and discouragement are two powerful emotions that can tempt us to stop in our tracts and abandon His call to do HIS revealed will, in His Word. Instead you can chose to continually,
“Be Strong, Be Courageous,” because you have the power to choose to be! And you will need to be, as you go forward at times into the unknown. Unknown maybe to you but not to Him and Never Alone. For He who gives the command is present! We are to live by faith… not by feelings. Faith in Him who is faithful!
In The Will Of God Conflict Is To Be Expected
In The Will Of God There Is Provision For You
In The Will Of God There Is A Promise For You..
In The Will Of God Faith Is To Be Exercised.
In The Will Of God…Remember the LORD;
- The LORD who is God – {Gen 2:4-5]
- The LORD who is our Provider {Gen 22:8,14}
- The LORD who is self existent, in need of nothing or no one outside of Himself – {Ex 3:13-15}
- The LORD who keeps His PROMISES – {Deut 7:9}
- The LORD who is Unchanging – {Malachi 3:6}
- The LORD who is Sovereign King {Isaiah 46″8-11}
“The LORD” – this One is with you, “wherever you go.” He made the promise to the disciples as he sent them out to seek and share the Gospel and make disciples, “…I will be with you until this end of the age”- He made the promise to those who were wobbling in their faith and suffering “I will never leave nor forsake you”- {Hebrews 13:5}
This Moment Stop and Give Him thanks… for His Word, for His Promise, For His Power, for His Presence.
Rest And Rejoice In Him… “The LORD your God… is with you wherever you go! ”
Here is great comfort for you that no matter what you face, wherever you are, His commitment to you is…
As He was with Joshua so He is ever with you!
That’s His Promise To You!