The old Hymn says,
“I will sing the wondrous story
Of the Christ Who died for me;
How He left His home in glory
For the cross of Calvary.
Yes, I’ll sing the wondrous story
Of the Christ Who died for me,
Sing it with the saints in glory,
Gathered by the crystal sea. “-{Rowley}
The enemy brings condemnation the Spirit of God turns us to Jesus and causes Celebration!
Our sins he has thrown into the deepest sea of forgetfulness and we may bask in the grace of God! This is a Primer for Praise what God ahs done for us and Who He is..Praise Him for Forgiveness. Now who is he that condemns you’? Where is your sin? Meet the accusation and condemnation with truth!
Psalm 103:12
Ia 38;17
Isaiah 43;25
Isaoah 44:22
REMEMBER THE SEA OF FORGETFULNESS!! GOD HAS A PLACE He dealt with ALL your sin and that was on the PERSON of the LORD Jesus and we read in Colossians 2 :13-14-“When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you[a] alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, 14 having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross.” The word “cancelled, ” means “ERASED.” He “ERASED” the rerecord of our sin on the cross, completely, eternally so, Praise Him!
Don’t go fishing for corpses like a fisheman trawling your memory for pst sins, that Jesus ahs lon swallowed up in His precious powerful etenal blood shed for you! Too often we go back to the burial site nd seek to dig up corpses that have long been buried that have no power over us apart from the power we give them. If God has forgiven you then receive it. Sometime you hear “you need to forgive yourself,” but this is not Biblical. Our sin is not aisnt ourslef but iltimately God,”against You and You only have I sinned.” God hs buried our sin in the sea f forgetfulness, it doed not eman He cannot remember because then He would be deficient and not perfect, he knows where and ehn a sparrow falss and where a hair of our head has landed, what it means is He chooses to no longer hold against us. A
Who can separate us from the love of God in Christ for us? SHALL…{put in verses} Nothing or no one can? Why because the LORD has got us! He’s got us, safe and secure in His hand
John 10
1 Peter 1:5 “kept,” secure, amilitary term.”kept by whose power? Our own? No, for we are weak, easily deceived, powerless in ourselves for spiritual warfare, but our sufficiency is in God, in the knowledge of His keeping power, we are kept by th e”power of God.” God’s got you. Your salvation is safe in His hands, sure and secure. God coud never leave the keeping, protecting, securing of our salvation up to ourseoves, we would lose it, forfeit it, we need to be saved from ourselves and this is what He did, through thr work of His Son. He has saved us from sin; from satan and from His Wrath! And He has saved us to etenal security and we are “kept, secure, “by Him and have a reservation in Heaven with Him! Now that is a Primer to Praise Him for!
In time of suffering God wants the people to know He will never anbdnon them, suffering canot seperate them Peter wites to those whoa re suffering and expreince “distress” and assures them they will not losr their salvation fo it is “kept,’ which is a military term meaning to “protect, giard” and who is doing the protecting? God is. “Kept by the power fo God!” The thought can come when suffering, “where is God,” he must have left us, How could He allow this to happen? ” But He asssures them by using five negatives in the origional to make one postive point to them, He is with them forever! Martin luther once said, “the body they may kill, ” and this is true believers may be killed for their faith but God has got their osul and their inheritance is “reserved” in heaven where it is kept secure by the Power fo God!. Sure and Secure!
Primer for Praise
No condemnation from God!
No Seperation- from the love of God!