“Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will PRAISE HIM AGAIN—my Savior and my God! “
-{Psalm 42:11}
We can choose to yield to discouragement and lose heart and be sad of heart when we Forget. Forget about God, Forget about Who He is and forget to remember His Blessings. When we “Bless” God we speak well of Him, PRAISE Him. When God bless’s us He does good to us. So let’s consider some ways He has done good to us so we may in turn speak well of Him, Praise Him! And note the Psalmist says “AGAIN,” that it become a habit in our lives. Let’s Remind ourselves for reasons to Prai+se Him and Primer’s for our Praise…
“LORD, I PRAISE You, for Your Blessing me with…
1. SALVATION -{1 Timothy 1:13-15}
2. FRIENDSHIP -{John 15:15}
3. ENCOURAGEMENT -{Rom 15:4-5}
4. MERCY and HELP In Time Of NEED -{ Heb 4:15-16}
5. YOUR WORD -{ Psalm 119:105}
6. YOUR SPIRIT -{John 14:16-17}
7. HOPE -{Rom 15:13}
8. COMFORT -{2 Cor 1:3-4}
9. THE LORD JESUS -{Luke 24:27; 1 Cor 1;9}
10. FORGIVENESS – {Heb 8:12}
11. Every SPIRITUAL BLESSING In Christ -{Eph 1:3}
12. LISTENING to my Prayers. -{Matt 6:6}
13. Spiritually GIFTED to Serve others And Glorify You -{1 Peter 4:10-11}
14. Opportunities to REPRESENT You -{ 2 Cor 5:2o}
15. A Glorious FUTURE with Him -{Phil 1:21,23}
“I Will PRAISE Him AGAIN…” CAN You add to these blessings? Can you read back over each one and say “LORD I PRAISE YOU… FOR..”
Take your time and read the verses referenced do the Holy Spirit can encourage you and reveal the LORD to you and also so you can help OTHERS remember why they have reasons to PRAISE Him
And you can start “AGAIN” if you have stopped PRAISING Him… He is worthy of our praise, He is greatly to be praised, and in tough times when we offer praise we honor Him, and it begins with developing a habit, based on his character found in His Word that strengthens our faith and gives us reasons to PRAISE HIM… AGAIN!
What can you add to the list to help change your FOCUS and as a PRIMER… TO PRAISE HIM?