The word “Praise,” means…
God is to be praised, God deserves to be praised, we can choose to either praise Him or not and often it is on whether we value Him or not. As shocking as that may sound, it can be true for many of us. Psalm 71 shows us an older man, who was going through troubles, difficulties, and we see in the midst he praises the LORD, it was a habit he had developed {v 8, 14, 22-24}, and so in the difficulties he reverted to the habit of praise, Under pressure when he was threatened not to pray… DANIEL returned to his home and prayed and it says ,”as was his habit??” get the exact phrase}. To develop a habit, it takes conscious decision and repetition to develop a habit. So how do we get the habit to Praise Him in time of Difficulties ? We learn to trust Him. How do we learn to Trust Him? We ask Him to open His Word to us..And the fuel to build the habit is truth and trust.. The truth about His Word and trusting in Him as we get to know Him better and better… and as we know Him better, the more we trust Him when new challenges, difficulties arise even in old age, we revert back to the habit, and this habit is founded and grounded in the character of God.We have His Word, His promises, and a personal history with Him in our lives to fuel our faith and Praise…
Here are some 14 reasons to Praise Him. “LORD I Praise You because …
1.You are WORTHY -{Psalm 145:3}
2. You are GREAT- “For great is the Lord and greatly to be praised;He is to be feared above all gods.”- Psalm 96:4}
3. You are HOLY -{Isaiah 6:1-3???}
4. You are LOVING – {1 John 4:8}
5. You are FAITHFUL -{1 Cor 1:9}
6. You are ACCESSIBLE -{Heb 4:15-16}
7. You are TRUTHFUL -{John 14:6}
8. You are GOOD- {James 1:17}
9.You are MERCIFUL – {Eph 2:4-5}
10.You Heal the BROKENHEARTED -{Psalm 147:3 }
11. You Save SINNERS – {1 Timothy 1:15}
12.You KEEP Your PROMISES -{Heb 10:23}
13.You are FORGIVING -{Psalm 130:3}
14.You Are GRACIOUS -{1 Peter 5:10}
Can you think of reasons to add to your praise?
Your Provision to Chase Away despair – {Isaiah 61:3}
- The Bible commands it. As the Psalmist says, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord” (Psalm 150:6).
- Praise facilitates access to God. Obviously, it’s the blood of Jesus that paves the way for our forgiveness from sin and relationship with God (Hebrews 10:19). That being said, our perpetual praise provides a clear and unhindered passage. Therefore, “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise” (Psalm 100:4).
- Praise is where God lives. Wait a minute, isn’t God omnipresent – everywhere, all the time? Absolutely! Yet His presence is especially intense in an atmosphere of praise. The Bible says God is “Enthroned upon the praises of Israel” (Psalm 22:3).
- Praise promotes productivity. According to the Word, the Earth yields its produce in the presence of praise (Psalm 17:5-6). Does this mean crops are actually going to grow better where praise is present? Perhaps. Why not? Whatever your feeling on the matter, I like Jack Taylor’s commentary in his book The Hallelujah Factor. “When we praise, productivity is maximized, fulfillment is realized and frustration is neutralized” (p. 31).
- Praise chases away despair. There’s no better way to beat the blues than to change our focus from self to God. Such a shift produces “the oil of gladness instead of mourning” (Isaiah 61:3).
- Praise is an effective weapon against the devil. I firmly believe Satan, once the good angel Lucifer and God’s praise leader (Isaiah 14), was kicked out of heaven and doomed to destruction due to his desire to be like God. He has hated praise ever since because of its reminder of what he gave up and can’t regain.
- God is worthy of it. “The Lord is great and worthy of our praise” (NCV). While it’s obviously good to praise and encourage those around us, God alone deserves our heartfelt worship and supreme allegiance.