Think on “What IS True…” and not the “What If…”

What IS True about God

What IS True about you “ In Christ”

Not “What IF… What IF…” the “What IF’S “ May or may not happen!

Can you think of the times you have worried yourself such, the sleepless nights where you have surrendered your thought life to the “WHAT IF…” and it never happened!!!


1.- Read, reread and in doing so Memorize Philippians 4:8.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever IS true, whatever IS honorable, whatever IS right, whatever IS pure, whatever IS lovely, whatever IS commendable, if there IS any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”-{Philippians 4:8}

2.- Note the amount of times the word “IS” mentioned and what to Continually Train our Thought life to “THINK” About.

3.- Note the amount of times“ whatever…” is mentioned and how it relates to what we, you and me are to train our minds to continually “THINK” on.

4.- In using Philippians 4:8 to guide and govern your thinking it will give you discernment when thoughts come to mind to ask “IS” this true about God. “IS” this true about who I am in Christ. “IS” this true about the Word of God. “IS” this How God wants me to think? And as you run these questions through your mind, use the words “IS” and WHATEVER” and the words related to the “WHATEVER” you will get your answer and if it “IS” not what you should be thinking on then REPLACE it with “…WHATEVER IS TRUE…” which IS Found in His Word!

This is not easy, in and of ourselves it is impossible, “But God…”who has given us the Spirit of God “IS” working “IN You,”, in His people -{Read Phil 2:13nlt}… strengthening us to change and guess what? He has give us  POWER and PROMISES to help us, such as…

  • For God IS working IN you, GIVING YOU the DESIRE and the POWER TO DO what PLEASES “-{Philippians 2:13 nlt}.
  • By His Divine POWER, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know Him, the one who called us to Himself by means of His marvelous glory and excellence. And because of His glory and excellence, He has given us great and precious PROMISES. These are the promises that enable you to share His divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires.”-{2 Peter 1:3-4 nlt}

Note– Divine POWER… and Precious and Magnificemt PROMISES to enable us to live Godly lives!

It takes us depending upon the Spirit of God renewing our mind as we submit ourselves to the Word of God trusting He will transform our thinking and conforming our lives to Christlikeness… just as His Word says- {Read Romans 12:2; John 17:17}

Today THINK ON “WHAT IS TRUE…” about God, His Promises and who you are “ IN CHRIST!”

  • Ask The LORD to help you train your thinking. Take a verse such as Philippians 4:8  and read, reread, meditate upon it, meditate upon it, recall to your mind in those free moments where you have time to think.

Think on “What IS..”TRUE, not “What If…”

God Bless,
