It takes MISPLACED energy, prolonged effort, in allowing yourself in accepting and continually THINKING that EXCLUDES The LORD, and in doing so, it is to say with your ATTITUDE, though not said verbally, but inwardly to falsely believe, “He is not good, and cannot be trusted in this matter.”It is to live as though He does not care for you. It is to attack His character! It Is To REJECT All that SCRIPTURE reveals is true about Him. It is to WILLINGLY EMBRACE A LIE, that God is not good. What else, but despair, is the outcome, a spiraling down result mentally, and emotionally that influences the choices we then make and act upon. It is vicious, demonic, and destructive. God’s honor is under attack. And your destruction is the end! The evil one cannot have your soul. for GOD has it and you are “kept by the power of God.”-{1 Peter 1:5}. But he goes after your thought life to seek to TEMPT you { for he cannot control you}, to EMBRACE A LIE and seek to neutralize you, through thoughts of fear, despair, condemnation, false guilt. looking at yourself outside of being “IN Christ.”
STOP- THINK- SPEAK to yourself, irrespective of how you “feel,” feed your mind with TRUTH- GOD…IS…GOOD… True, it may not “feel” good, or look good, but He PROMISES, “all things work together for GOOD to those who love Him and are the called.”-The GOOD? He is conforming you into the image of His dear SON, in thought, word, motivation, and action! {Read Rom 8:28-29}.
REALIZE the Process of this destructive thinking, is a trap. REALIZE it is not TRUTH.
REPLACE the Lie with TRUTH {Read Phil 4:8-9 on how to know WHAT TO THINK ON}. Renewing your mind will result that God will be honored and you learning to fight the fight of faith for your faith, in your mind, which is under demonic attack! You have the POWER to choose what you will allow your mind to DWELL ON.- (2 Peter 1:3; Phil 4:8,9,13.)
In the Psalmist case we learn DESPAIR is the result of FEARS Accepted! (Ps27:13.) The antidote?
What are you choosing to think about? You can’t stop thoughts flying to your mind but you have the power to CHOOSE What you will allow your MIND to continually dwell on! {Read, memorize, meditate, Phil 4:8-9}. DESTRUCTIVE THINKING IS A CHOICE, YOU NEED NOT DO!
* RECOGNIZE the lie.
* REPLACE it with truth and
* RENEW YOUR MIND with the TRUTH OF GOD’S WORD that you CHOOSE to think on.
* REJOICE IN THE LORD. AND HIS TRUTH{ Phil 3:1; 1 Cor 13:6….” Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.”}
Feed your faith with HIS WORD {Matt 4:10}.
“We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. 5 We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.”-{2 Cor 10:4-5}
- YOU have the POWER to DESTROY DESTRUCTIVE THINKING, through the Empowering Holy Spirit and APPLICATION of HIS Word. SPEAK it, THINK it, APPLY It!-{Read Phil 2:13; James 1:22}
“Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, DWELL on these things.”-{Phil 4:8}.
What are you “Dwelling” on with your thinking?
Destroy Destructive thinking with the Power of His Word, by faith and the Holy Spirit enabling you as you choose to RENEW your mind, one thought at a time, for Jesus sake!
God bless,