“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with THANKSGIVING let your requests be made known to God.” – {Phil 4:6}
Pray with Thanksgiving, why? Because you know Him. You Know He is in control. You Know He is trustworthy. You Know He has a purpose. You Know He is capable of doing what is needed! You know He has your best interests at heart. You Know He will not be overcome in the matter. You Know God is Good and does Good and God will get Honor from the situation. You Know He Loves you. You know Thanksgiving is an anxiety buster. You give thanks to Him because you find reasons to be thankful. Thankful you can turn to Him in times of trouble Thankful there is an alternative to be torn apart emotionally by anxiety. Thankful you do not have to take a number and wait a week, a month a year before you have His attention. Thankful That God is working all things including this present thing for good… Thankful that this thing that seeks to disturb you will work out for the furtherance of the Gospel. Thankful that difficulties are opportunities to talk to Him and develop your trust in Him. Thankful you are never alone in this present or any troubles. Thankful He cares for you. Thankful He has told you what to do through His Word…Thankful to God He makes provision in your pain and a promise to assist you in the temptation to anxiety!
THINK, THINK, THINK on TRUTH as REASONS to be thankful to Him. Develop an Attitude of Gratitude! And in your praying THINK and TESTIFY of why you can be and be THANKFUL to Him.
THE PROMISE; “And the PEACE OF GOD, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”-{Phil 4;7}. The way to FULFILMENT of this promise when anxiety hits? PRAY WITH THANKSGIVING! And as you do then know what He promises he delivers on. It takes faith in Him to pray that way when troubles mount and anxieties are real and seek to dominate your mind, demoralize, and divert you from trusting in the LORD Jesus. Faith pleases Him. He rewards faith and in this case, it is with His PEACE! God is the source of this peace, which is not dependent upon favorable circumstances!
NOTE; God gifts this peace to those who pray with Thanksgiving. It is His peace. He imparts inward calm to the one who prays trusting Him with thanksgiving! It is an all-encompassing peace for your heart and mind. Total inward peace for you, that calms, soothes is content and rests with confidence in the Sovereignty of the LORD and His faithfulness to Himself, His promises, His character! Remember He is LORD over creation, salvation, eternal destination, every situation! “ Who is like You, majestic in holiness, Awesome in praises, working wonders.”-{Exodus 15:11}.“Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.”-{Jer. 32:17}.
WHAT IS DOESNT SAY. It does not say that God will give you what you ask for! It doesn’t mention ANYTHING about the answer. Some might think “Well if I pray this way God will guarantee me the answer I desire!” But not so. Then someone might say, “then, what is the point in praying?” as they falsely believe the purpose in praying is to get or indeed force God into giving what you want rather than His Glory, Kingdom, will be done in the matter!
WHAT IT DOES SAY. It does say God will give you… PEACE! The Peace OF GOD, He will give you when you pray His way…with an attitude of gratitude, thanksgiving… praying and speaking to Him specifically with what is on your mind. It doesn’t say anything about the answer, whatever it may be, He guarantees His Peace in the matter to the one who prays, trusting God and expressing thanksgiving!
God cares about what is on your mind! And the things that are presently worrying your mind… He has His solution… His Way of praying…
Praying with Gratitude unleashes His promise of Peace for your…MIND!