“for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. BUT if we have food and clothing, WITH THESE WE WILL BE CONTENT.” – {1 Timothy 6:7-8}
There are no -U-Hauls behind a hearse. You take nothing with you. As followers of Christ” the Scripture compares us to “aliens, sojourners” passing through this world, this is not the final location according to John 14 where Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us, that we may forever be with Him, in the Fathers House! While some live as though, “this is it,” we know from his Word we are here to love Him love others and make Him known. We are on Divine assignment, {Read Phil 1:16}. We are passing through on the way to the Father’s House! {Read Phil 1:12-14}. Do you have food and clothing? To sustain you? Then Be CONTENT! He has provided what you need to sustain you presently while you seek Him and His Kingdom as the priority of your life as his Ambassador here on earth. You represent Another, even Christ the King and are to be about His business, building His kingdom! {Read Matt 6;9}. You have all you need to do so and sustain you to be about His business! And if you need more He will provide by making a way for you to have what He desires to meet your need and to help others. God is not ‘stingy.’ He promises to provide ALL of your NEEDS according to His riches In Christ!-{Read Phil 4;19}.
Consider this life on earth is not the final destination nor is it forever. Life is fleeting, live it for Christ and His cause {Read Matt 6;33; Phil 1:20,25}
Practice Thanksgiving to God for what He has provided for you