Who is like You among the gods, O LORD, Majestic in Holiness Awesome in Splendor, Working Wonders.” – Exodus 15:11
Below , I trust is some background to what the passage is about. Please commit this verse to memorize and place on a 3 by 5 card and carry with you to read when you have opportunity and use in your worship, praise of Him in your praying.
A Reason to Sing… “The Song of the Sea” (Exodus 15:11)
God the Father seeks those who will worship in spirit and truth. This is a wonderful verse to worship Him in and with Truth. To recite back to Him as you worship and Praise Him. It’s been called, “The Song of the Sea.” It’s the first recorded song in the Bible, by Moses and the people who were delivered from bondage and through the Red Sea to safety. Each singing praise to God for His Deliverance. This is your Memory verse, for “fuel” for your contemplation of God, WORSHIP, praying and sharing. Write it out, and carry with you, and when you have time look at each word anc read and re read and you will find you will be able to recal and use in your time of praying to praise Him or share with others. Perhaps write on a 3 by 5 card and place on the bathroom mirror so you can see it and be reminded to read it think on it.