“Of the glorious majesty of Your honor,
of your wondrous works, I will meditate.” -{v5}
Note the Psalmist chooses what he will think on, meditate, bring his thoughts back to and chew over again and again namely, “the glorious majesty of Your honor…Your wondrous works…” and whatever about anyone else he has determined what he will do, “I will.”…”I will meditate…” and he has chosen a fine and glorious subject, God Himself and His dealings, His mighty acts!
“Men will speak of the might of Your awesome acts.
I will declare Your greatness.”- {v6}.
Note; again his response, having meditated upon the greatness of God and His wondrous and awesome works, he determines, “I will…”…”I will declare Your Greatness.” He has made two decisions as expressed in the phrase, “I will… I will.” We all “meditate,” we all “declare,” on something or someone. The Psalmist uses his mind and lips to meditate and declare on the Highest and Greatest, the LORD Himself!
What he THINKS about he TALKS about to others!
Fill your mind with His Word, meditate on a passage about Him, for what we continually THINK about and delight in is what we will find ourselves TALKING to others about!
There is No finer subject than Him to THINK about and TALK about! – And so we TRAIN our THINKING… trusting the Holy Spirit to TRANSFORM our mind through His Word, through reading, hearing, meditating upon Him from His Word. -{Read Romans 12:2}. God will empower us to do both, “For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him.”-{Phil 2:13}.
THINKING AND TALKING- We all do it… Let’s THINK about Him and TALK about Him… others will benefit and He is Honored!-🙂