GOD’S “OLDER MEN!” – Part 1- (Titus 2:2)


Create was where Titus was when he received the letter from his mentor Paul who had left him behind to help the congregation mature, which included exposing the false teaching and myths in Titus 1, and feeding them “ Sound Doctrine,”-( Titus 2:1)

Those from Create had a bad reputation “Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.”-(Titus 1:12). Paul wants to counteract with lives that have been and are being transformed by the grace of God. Paul wants Titus to bring order and the different roles each member in the congregation plays and their God-given responsibility they have to know these six characteristics that the “older men” are to embrace and exhibit.

Paul tells Titus to teach “Sound Doctrine” which means “healthy teaching, instruction,” and in Titus 2:1-2, he begins with the “Older men” in the congregation. And In Greek culture fifty and over was considered an “Older Man”

Let’s consider the first

Two characteristics of the “Older Men” in Titus 2:2

1.- TEMPERATE- sober-minded, clarity of thought! The word literally means not to be intoxicated by wine or strong drink. It also means to be sober-minded and clear-headed. Not impaired but The ability to think with clarity! Not influenced or impaired as someone is under the influence of alcohol. But clear-headed! Sober-minded – the ability to think clearly and act with clarity!

“A temperate person avoids excess, extravagance, and over-indulgence of appetites and passions.

Someone has well said that we should never expect to govern others until we have learned to govern ourselves! Convicted? I am!

The temperate older man is able to discern more clearly which things are of the greatest importance and value.

To be clearheaded on what truly matters, that wisdom to live life seeing things as they truly are through the lens of Scripture! His value system has been honed with experience, shaped by His Word, narrowing down what matters, relationships, God, His Kingdom, people, eternity, and passing on through clarity of thought, and pursuits, to a younger generation!”-( preceptaustin)

2.- DIGNIFIED- (Semnos) means “serious worthy of respect, venerable.” Serious…based on the way they live their life.

“The word means to be serious in purpose or to have the personal dignity that invites honor and respect. “

The dignified man is not dour, sour, miserable, or does not have a sense of humor but he does not laugh at inappropriate jokes, for He knows they grieve the Holy Spirit. He is not superficial about life. He increasingly realizes he is closer to departing this world to be with the LORD and is living in light of eternity and its realities. He is serious about life. He has lived long enough to see tragedies, loss of life of loved ones, the sinfulness of sin, and the hope that is found only in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He knows every individual Will spend eternity in Heaven or Hell and he is concerned. He is serious that doesn’t mean sour or an inability to laugh. He’s wise enough and kind enough to know what is or not appropriate to laugh over!

The word “Dignified” is Translated in Phil 4:8 as “honorable”. They are to train their minds to think continually about those things that are honorable and as a result they live honorable, dignified lives! And their lives are attractive to those who observe and give a reason that they are “worthy of respect!”

Paul tells Titus to teach sound – healthy instruction for the spiritual well-being of the older men so that they may be Spiritually HEALTHY, and HELP the younger generation and offer them HOPE as they run the race set before them looking away to Jesus as they live their lives for Him. They have “older men” to look up to and give them HOPE along their life of faith, as they see the Christian life lived out in older men!

What a privilege to be a part of GOD’S OLD MEN! We have much to live for! We have much to give to a younger generation, God will give us opportunities… take heed to your character. Depending upon Him to make it a reality in and through you as you CHOOSE to invest your life in others for Jesus’ sake!

“Older men are to be TEMPERATE, DIGNIFIED, self-controlled, sound in faith, in love, in perseverance.”-( Titus 2:2)

God bless
