GOD’S “OLDER MEN”– Part 4-(Titus 2:2)
Older Men Are To Be “Sound in THE Faith.”
“OLDER MEN,” Their bodies may be weakening, deteriorating condition compared to the strength and vigor of younger days, their steps may be a little slower and unsteady in some ways but the roots of their firm persuasion in the Word of God grow deeper and steadfast in the teaching of the Christian faith. Outwardly decaying but inwardly growing and stabilized!
The Christian “older men,” are to be “Sound in THE Faith.” It is not the expression of faith but the FOUNDATION of their faith that is mentioned here. “Sound in THE Faith”- has the definite article, It is not “faith” as exercised, but “THE Faith,” speaking of the body of Christian doctrine.
The reason they live out who they are and what they believe is the Christian teaching that is their foundation!
They are spiritually healthy, well, “Sound in THE faith!”
Joshua expresses a man who had grown old and who was “Sound in THE FAITH.” Anchored, rooted, confident, and he was sharing with others the faithfulness of God to keep His Word!
“Now behold, today I am going the way of all the earth, and you know in all your hearts and in all your souls that not one word of all the good words which the LORD your God spoke concerning you has failed; all have been fulfilled for you, not one of them has failed.” (Josh 23:14)
The word for “Faith” as used here in Titus 2:2, is “Pistis,” from “Peitho” which speaks of “persuaded” “pistis (“faith”) for the believer is “God’s divine persuasion” – and therefore distinct from human belief (confidence), yet involving it.” -( Helps Word studies).
God has persuaded their hearts of who He is and how true His Word is. They have tasted sorrow, heartache, and loss, they have known joys, and through it all, they find their hope not in the politics of the day or the vain philosophies of the day to get them through but in the unchanging, unwavering Word of the living God! And as a result, they are spiritually healthy as they continue to be grounded in the Truth of God’s Word! They are “Sound in THE faith,” and are called to continue to be!
Paul tells Titus (v1) to “TEACH…”- the word grammatically is to continually instruct in informal settings. It is a command, to “ teach, instruct the Older Men, so that they may be Sound”- which speaks of to be “Uncorrupt, without weakness, disease, debilitating, To be Whole, well,” as used in John 5:6 of physical well being, and in Titus 2:2 means to be “Spiritually healthy!” We get our English word “ hygiene” from the Greek word used for “ Sound!” So in the spiritual realm for the soul to be hygienic is in accordance with their relationship to the Word of God. It saves, cleanses, comforts, strengthens, stabilizes, and reveals the LORD Jesus to us!
In Titus 2:1-2 it refers to spiritual well-being and the doctrine, teaching rooted and grounded in the wholesome Word of God which can nourish the soul and is to be continually taught to these “older men” who by the persuasion of God Himself will root and ground them convinced in the Word, able to discern that which is spiritually healthy, helpful and truthful from that which is false, deceiving and dishonoring to the character of the LORD, as seen in chapter one of false teaching and myths that were taught and put forward as alternatives but in reality were riddled with that which would make the soul sick, deceive and deteriorate the person and divert from and dishonor the LORD because it is not “SOUND DOCTRINE.”
Since Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God, there is no substitute for the Word of God, for as it is received and acted upon an outflowing from the FOUNDATION of Truth of which it is, comes forth fruit, the spiritual FRUIT that is a faith who has God as the object of their faith, trusting, and thus faith in Him is always an action of what a person believes…Godly behavior is the evidence.
“Sound in THE Faith.”
Though the years pass by and perhaps unhealthy bodies and a lack of income from the inability to work as they once did follows yet in their minds they are convinced, gripped, and grounded in the foundation of the Word of God that not only leads
them away from and keeps them from spiritual error but also keeps them from leading others into error by false beliefs.
I am not speaking of lost people but those who are truly saved, who if not grounded and renewed in their minds in His Word can pass on opinions, and cliches of others they have gathered over time which may not be Scripturally correct, founded and grounded in the Word of the Living God!
Therefore error is repeated, and taught as though it is truth and some embrace it as though it is true and as a result, the Name of God is taken in vain for it is not true and misrepresents and dishonors Him!!
So, like EZRA-(Ezra 7:10) and the BEREANS “…for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.”- Acts 17:11). We must give ourselves to His Word to see if these things are true in accordance with the Scriptures. And like TIMOTHY we must study the Scriptures, rightly and accurately dividing them -(2 Timothy 2:15).
Romans 12:2 says we are to Renew our minds. “ Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind….”-
“…Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is— His good, pleasing and perfect will.”-( Romans 12:3)
When we come to the LORD, we come and bring with us false concepts, untruths, and sinful character traits that need to be identified and replaced with the Truth that the Holy Spirit uses to change us from the INSIDE OUT to conform us to the image of Christ, and so we can know His Will as revealed in His Word can be known by us!
Paul told the Colossians to let the Word of Christ dwell in them RICHLY – not sparingly but RICHLY. WEALTHY IN THE WORD! To what end?
That they may be helpful to OTHERS “Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom He gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts.”-( Col 3:16 NLT)
We are to let the Word dwell in us richly through
- Reading it –
- Hearing it – Rom 10:17
- Meditating upon it – Psalm 1:2
- Submitting to it – James 1:22
“Man shall not live by bread alone but by EVERY WORD that proceeds from the mouth of God!”-(Matt 4:4)
The “Older Men” are never too old or know too much of the Word of God not to be in the Word that they may know Him fuller, be reminded of His Person, promises, Will, and ways, and the ability to know how to help others. It does not mean just the reading, for circumstances through illness, etc, may make it more difficult, but to ask the LORD to bring to remembrance His Word so as to meditate upon it, and delight in Him and His Word as He does.
This has been one of my greatest joys and stabilizers and saving grace through many many years of illness- to MEDITATE upon His Word – (Read Psalm 1:2)
But He cannot recall to us unless we have previously heard or read it. There is no substitute for “Sound Doctrine” and it’s application to be spiritually “sound!”
The Holy Spirit is able to take the Word and bring back to remembrance His Word and nourish the heart of the “Older Men,” be it on a sick bed or on days when physical strength is not what it once was. But these things do not render the man of no use to God, for indeed Titus 2:1-2 shows the role and responsibility God has for the “OLDER MEN.” While society might retire, replace or discard the “Older Men,” there is no such retirement, replacing, or discarding God’s Design for the “Older Men” in the life of His church and society as lights and Ambassadors of His!
With “Sound,”- healthy, accurate biblical teaching the FOUNDATION…. The FRUIT will be a Faith that shows itself!
“OLDER MEN” are to be
“ Temperate, Dignified, Sensible, SOUND IN THE FAITH, Love, Perseverance.”-(Titus 2:2)
Dig deep into His Word- for there are Treasures and a Sound foundation to build your life upon that will withstand the storms of life and enable you to help others, for Jesus sake! –
God bless,