Paul had written to Titus to teach the various ages of believers, how to live and interact with the different age groups, and then he gives THREE MOTIVATIONS to do so. He gives them the “WHY” of obeying…



1.- “SO, God’s Word would not be DISHONORED.”-{v5}.

When His Word is not carried out He is dishonored.” The word “dishonored.” means to slander, defame, blaspheme, to be spoken evil of. When Nathan the prophet confronted David over his sin he said,”Why then have you despised the Word of the LORD, by doing evil in His sight?”-{2 Samuel 12:9}. God’s Word is dishonored when it’s not followed when older men, women, younger wives, young men…disobey!

2.- “SO THAT the opponent will be put to shame, having nothing bad to say about us.-{v8}.

Living out the Gospel will bring out the opponents of the Gospel and the LORD Jesus, but live in such a way that they be ashamed in light of the way you consistently live. A Godly example!

3.- “SO THAT they will adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in every respect.”-{v10}

“So that…” gives the explanation of why they are to continually live lives that beautify the teachings of God and salvation. Saved lives are to be seen as orderly. The word “adorn, order”. The Greek word, “kosmeo” from “kosmos” “..this root word gives us our English cosmetic something women use to “adorn” their face and make themselves more physically attractive) speaks of that which is to put in order. To make congruous, fitting or orderly. To decorate. To embellish (to make beautiful with ornamentation; to heighten the attractiveness of by adding decorative details). Kosmeo conveys the idea of arranging something in proper order so as to give it symmetry, comeliness, and beauty.

  • In the present context kosmeo describes behavior that is in keeping with the simplicity, purity and beauty of our Lord Jesus, radiating from a new heart in Christ
  • “…In ancient times kosmeo was used of arranging jewels in a brooch, necklace, ring, or crown in a way that best displayed the beauty of the gems. So the idea is that the excellent behavior of the bond slaves (God’s “jewels”) would be seen and would make the “doctrine of God” “attractive” or beautiful to unbelievers {Matt 5:16} .-“{preceptaustin}


The Word of God be Honored,

The opponents be Silenced,

Salvation be displayed in the beauty, and attractiveness of a life loyal to God.

But what if we cannot say this, then what? While the evil one would have us turn inward and spiral down into despair, the Holy Spirit would have us turn to our Advocate, the LORD Jesus Christ, and confess our sin, and begin afresh, and confidently rest in Him and His promises, “For God is working IN you, giving you the desire and the POWER to do what pleases Him.”-{Phil 2:13 nlt}

  • Reread Titus 2:1-10 and see which category you fit into and remind yourself of these THREE MOTIVATIONS for following in obedience.

