These past days my mind has been on 2 Timothy 2, Paul’s last letter, which he writes to Timothy… and here are some observations I have noticed as I have thought of “…LEAVING A LEGACY.” We all will leave one! Paul was imprisoned and facing death and though “shut in ” he was not shut out from seeking out to encourage Timothy through his pen. Paul was concerned about the GOSPEL and the perishing souls of men. Facing certain death his concern is – OTHERS! He writes to Timothy “The things you have heard from me, in the presence of many witnesses,Entrust these to FAITHFUL MEN who will be able to TEACH OTHERS ALSO.”- 2 Timothy 4:2.

Note- 4 Generations mentioned here; 

Paul-Timothy-Others- To teach others. Paul did not want the chain from one generation to another to be broken. He writes to Timothy what is on his heart- Timothy, invest your life in others. He doesn’t sugar coat it but tells him suffering, hardship is a part of it but by all means pass on this LIFE CHANGING MESSAGE… I was thinking earlier today and offering God thanks for each person whose name’s, face’s I recalled whom He used to share the Gospel with me and who have had influence both in the past and in the present!  Each of us have someone whom we can pass on this life changing message to and also to encourage others to keep investing their lives into others, who in turn may pass on to others. From Jesus down through the generations the life changing message has been passed on and so it continues and you were a recipient of the Great News and you can pass on.  I love the verse in Acts regarding David which says, “ David having served God’s purpose in his generation fell asleep.”

* Now is YOUR time.

* This is YOUR generation.

* This is YOUR time…

Pass on the Great news.

It doesn’t matter whether know a little or more than a little what we know we can pass on     to someone else, can’t we?  Encourage on others to keep on keeping on …leaving a legacy, that is of eternal value! Paul never could have known the legacy he would leave by picking up his pen and conveying a message that would be echoed through the ages. You too can write a note of encouragement.

You too can leave… a legacy! Invest your life in others for Jesus sake- And that will count for eternity! “The Harvest is white, but the laborers are few, pray to the LORD to send forth Laborers into His harvest…”- Pray- Labor in Love- Find someone and INVEST your life…. leave a Legacy…By Passing on the Gospel to the next generation. It does not mean there are not costs, that there wont be such as Demas who will turn aside because like he they loved- supremely valued this world above Jesus Christ…. but don’t allow that to stop, Get up and keep investing….BE PURPOSEFUL WITH THE INTENT OF YOUR LIFE. IF YOU ARE NOT INTENTIONAL- YOU WILL END UP WITH WHAT HAS BEEN THE STATUS QOU

 … Leave A Legacy of Eternal Value