For The Older Follower Of Christ, they have a HISTORY…. A HIS- STORY in their lives,..

  • A History of experiencing more of His Faithfulness
  • A History of knowing Him better
  • A History of experiencing more answered prayers
  • A History of growing in grace and knowledge of our LORD Jesus
  • A History of growing in wisdom
  • A History of growing in dependence upon the LORD
  • A History of developing Humility!
  • A History of Growing In Gratitude
  • A HIS- STORY to Share!!

History takes time… and older believers have had more time and with it the benefits of Growing Old courtesy of God’s kindness!


Old age does not guarantee spiritual growth but it does afford more time to do so. And for those who comply with Him and His Word, spiritual benefits are experienced, and with them the responsibility to share of His faithfulness to those who come behind!

“I will come and proclaim Your mighty acts, Sovereign Lord;

I will proclaim Your righteous deeds, Yours alone.

Since my youth, God, You have taught me,

and to this day I declare Your marvelous deeds.

Even when I am old and gray,

do not forsake me, my God,

till I declare Your power to the next generation,

Your mighty acts to all who are to come.”-(Psalm 71:16-18)

The older man in psalms 71 Remembers the LORD’s faithfulness and his great desire is that others know of Him

  • Old does not equal useless or of no benefit….so stop living as though it does!  Don’t believe the lie!
  • Don’t Grow Old and Cold But Old and Bold!

As an Older saint you have much to offer… pass it on…. Pray and ask the LORD to give you someone who is reachable so you can pass on the HIS- STORY you have of Him

God bless
