“But Godliness with CONTENTMENT IS GREAT GAIN.” – {1 Tim 6:6}
Paul “warns Timothy about those who “think that godliness is a means to financial gain.” (verse 5). He describes corrupt teachers who will divert believers from true faith in Christ by arguing over words, creating trivial controversies, and pursuing get-rich schemes. Paul clarifies the meaning of godliness and emphasizes that it is the opposite of what these trouble-makers portray it to be.”Riches is not a sin, the Scripture show many who were but it is the MOTIVATION and means by which some seek and attain to them. Paul says Godliness, Godlike in thought, words and deeds, conduct is what is to be pursued. Godliness is a right reverence for God. An attitude towards God, that worships Him as God and is reflected in the life towards others of respect out of a reverence for God. While some saw the acquiring of wealth through using God and the things of God as great gain, their dissatisfaction and discontentment and seeking to profit of using God and the things of God to fulfill a hole in their hearts that cannot be filled by temporal possessions that are passing away, Their greed betrayed their bankrupt hearts.– {Read 1 Thess 2:15}.
Paul shows that it is a person’s relationship with Jesus Christ and the conduct, character that is aligned up with God that is true Greatness of Gain! Paul contrasts the false teachers and their peddling of seeking to profit for themselves and their false understanding against TRUE GAIN which is when Godliness is accompanied with contentment which is only found in Christ! And such Godly Conduct with Contentment is “GREAT GAIN!” Paul’s point is that Godliness with contentment is great gain, though not as some would count gain! Some are temporal pursuers of contentment, others have peace with God and as they are being changed from the inside out and their perspectives are been changed through His Word and Spirit, more and more they realize the eternal riches they have “In Christ,”- Himself their gain! Godliness with contentment is “GREAT GAIN!” CHARACTER COUNTS!
Christ’s character and as the believer is being changed in aligning up with Him and His Word, having the “mind renewed” are being changed and Godliness with contentment is Great Gain! -{Read Rom 12:2}.