If you believe the LIE that you are too old for God to use then you will LIVE the lie …” I’m Too Old for God to use me.” Instead of looking for opportunities you’re looking at obituaries including your own!

Anna was married for seven years and then a widow until she was 84 years and yet we read she “served” the LORD. How? through… Prayers and upon meeting the LORD Jesus, the way it is grammatically written testified to others about Jesus continuously -(Read Luke 2:37-38)

Caleb was 85 years old and still going forward in faith believing God’s Word…” Give me this mountain… just as the LORD Promised”-(Josh 14:12)

Neither Anna nor Caleb believed the Lie and therefore did not Live the lie- that We are too old for God to use us!… and you know what? Neither are you

Don’t Believe the Lie or you will live the Lie!

Can you pray? Yes! Then you are serving, worshiping God! -(Read Lk 2:37-38)

Can you tell someone of Jesus ? Sure! Can you take God at His Word? Does God still keep His promises? Yes He does …then keep living by faith in Him who is faithful, living to see His kingdom come as Caleb.

Believe the Truth, Live out the truth… You are not too old to be used by God, if you were you would not still be here! You are not like some old carton of milk that has passed its “used by sell date!”

You can Talk to God. You can Tell others about the LORD Jesus. You can Trust His Word and walk on you are the right age for God to use. Why? Because time does not change Him and He has you living in this time! I love the verse in Acts 13l36, “ David having served the purpose of God in his generation…” As God had David live in a specific generation that HE chose for him to serve in, so too He has chosen this time for you to live in and serve Him in this, your generation!

Does age bring with it limitations? Sure it does, you can’t run like you used to! 🙂 

But if anything age brings with it experience ! You might walk with a limp but it has helped you lean on God a little more just like Jacob-{Read Heb 11:21}-You have a longer history of seeing God answer prayers and see Him meet…you have acquired some Godly wisdom along the way…your body may be ageing but your character is maturing in experiencing answered prayers, wisdom, Godly character and knowing Him! “So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.”-(2 Cor 4:16)

You Are Not Too Old! You are exactly the age God wants and you still have the Holy Spirit within you to empower and the Word to guide and govern!

For the follower of the LORD Jesus who has turned to God and entrusted themselves into hands of the LORD Jesus as their sin substitute, You are Still God’s Ambassador about His business as long as you are here.-{Read 2 Corinthians 5:20}

For such a time as this God has you, sustaining you for His purposes to serve this generation!

David served his generation and the Scripture testifies, “Now when David had served God’s purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep; he was buried with his ancestors and his body decayed.”-{Acts 13:36}. Was David without sin? Failures? No, “But God…” addressed those but note what a wonderful testimony God gives him in what I call,”David’s Obituary” in Acts 13:36. He testifies that DAVID “served God’s purpose in his generation…” and so can you. Your sin ifs forgive, blood continuously cleansing us so go on, don’t allow past sin hinder present serving GOD’S Purpose in your generation!

As long as you are breathing you are never too old to be used by God!

Be an Anna. Be a Caleb! Be who God has made you to be, His Ambassador for Christ! “we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. “-{2 Cor 5:20}, He says “We ARE…” as long as you are breathing you “ARE” His Ambassador…You are not too old, you “Are” His Ambassador and there is no retirement age… there is only graduation, when He calls you Home to be with Him:)

Stop looking at the obituaries and look at your Opportunities