Paul being abandoned and yet The Lord stood with him, “so that through me” he night proclaim to his captors the Gospel. God uses our circumstances and even the evil of others to give us an audience with them that they might hear of Him- the Gospel of liberation. Paul was forsaken but the LORD stood with him. Paul was wronged but he extended love in the firm of forgiveness. Paul was suffering and yet God strengthened him to share with his captors who were they true spiritual prisoners.
THANK GOD, for those He brought into your life, when you were lost, antagonistic, whom He sent that you might hear the Gospel and step from darkness to light. THINK BACK, to His seeking you out, for you too as Paul says in Romans 5:10 are, were enemies of His. He sent someone to you, maybe many people. He relentlessly pursued you with His love. THANK GOD in your circumstances, though painful, you do not stand Alone THE LORD STANDS with you and purposely so, to comfort you and THE LORD STRENGTHENING you in the midst of enemies to the Gospel, for God says we are “enemies,”-{Rom 5:10}. The LORD stands, strengthens you so with Paul you can have confidence, courage and clarity of purpose, “SO THAT THROUGH ME…” Others might hear the Gospel…
Your circumstances are an opportunity for An Audience, with someone …“At my first defense, no one came to my support, but everyone deserted me. May it not be held against them. But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me, SO THAT through me the proclamation might be fully accomplished, and that all the Gentiles might hear; “- (2 Tim 4:16-17).
THINK…THANK… TRUST HIM…TELL OF HIM… He is with you, He is strengthening you. You have been entrusted with the most important message ever! It is of eternal value and consequences. God gave Paul an Audience With his enemies, “So that through me …”God loved the captors. The cross testified and His strengthening Paul with the message demonstrated His love for them. May God help us to see in difficult circumstances there are others who are in eternal difficulties who need to hear of Him and His liberating message!
Fear not, He is with you. Fear not, His strengthening will enable you to courteously, courageously, compassionately, with clarity share the Gospel!