“SUFFICIENT.” The word, means, “Adequate, ENOUGH with the implication of SATISFYING!”
Think on this. Paul’s pain was real, it was compared to a stake that would impale someone,to torture, so brutal was it, and yet the Lord says He is imparting grace to him that will be enough for him and indeed in the trial he will know the satisfaction of the grace of our Lord Jesus. The grace that satisfies in pain would be known by him! Whatever you are going through, difficulty, great and deep hurt, know that this moment you were not only saved by grace- {Ephesians 2:8-9}, Stand in Divine, everlasting favor, before God in grace- {Romans 5:2} but the realm you live in is a realm of grace that is sufficient not only to sustain, strengthen you to continue to serve Him but also to…satisfy you!
Sometimes God does not answer the way you ask, but He answers in such a way that you through His grace are “sufficient” for the moment and the next moment and the next as by faith you lean in on Him, deriving all from Him and appropriating The Grace of our Lord Jesus that strengthens and satisfies. Paul’s suffering’s would be used of the LORD to give light to others down the centuries that He knows about their pain and He is the provision in their pain and He promises “Sufficient grace!” His grace that imparts Satisfaction to the one in pain, He satisfies with Himself. His grace unleashes His power, strength to serve out of our own weakness…His moment by moment grace! …Satisfies which pain cannot drown out!
“SUFFICIENT…SATISFYING GRACE… ” to sustain you, enable me to continue to do the work of the LORD but also, the benefit this grace brings is a grace that has benefits…satisfying the soul!
“Sufficient” – Think on the One who said this- The Resurrected Lord Jesus
“Sufficient ”- whatever you are confronted with today His grace is sufficient for you
“Sufficient” – grace that Satisfies… even in pain! Amazing grace of our Lord Jesus!
When you pray – Submit to His answer – He may deliver you from the difficulties or like Paul He may gave grace to endure in, with power through the trial but His grace satisfies, because of the One who imparts it- the LORD Jesus who is familiar with suffering! The grace that strengthens is also the grace that satisfies. When the LORD said He would not remove the “thorn” but impart grace and power to him, Paul SUBMITTED to His answer,how do we know? The result was glorying in his Lord even in his weakness. He wasn’t frustrated, or mad at God. In acceptances lies peace!
Paul testified to it… countless others can do likewise….in pain they can say, “I am satisfied!”- His Grace has satisfied me in my pain. Submission to Him in prayer. I find His grace satisfies me- I am satisfied by the grace of my Lord Jesus despite and in my pain!
THE GRACE that Strengthens is also the Grace that Satisfies!