… present tense- with all His resources and ability ,”a very present help in trouble.” -{Read Psalm 46:1}.
Lift your eyes a little higher and fix them upon Him. He alone is the ultimate Helper. “Call” on Him in your day of trouble- He will help.
- Sometimes it is deliverance FROM the troubles.{Read 2 Timothy 4:17}.
- Sometimes it is grace to be sustained to walk with Him IN the troubles. -{Read 2 Cor 12:9}.
- But know this, whether He prsesently delivers you FROM or walks with you IN the troubles He is walking you THROUGH the valley of difficulties and your story ends with Him in the Fathers House!”-{Read Psalm 23:4-6}. Whether we are conscious or not He is, “… walking us through…”
But speak the truth to yourself, personalize it…“God is- a very present help – in time- of trouble” for me!
The writer shows that God is a Refuge and their strength in times of trouble. He is an ever present help! Such is the confidence of the writer based on the character and truth about God, and so the psalmist declares who God IS in Psalm 46:1
He “IS” nearer than your breath, more conscious of your need before it ever came to you- and His assurance is- He “IS”– your help- for this time of need. Praise HIM for Who He “IS” …Praise Him for His nearness- whether you ”feel” His presence or not. Praise Him because He is worthy, because He cares. He is able to sustain, deliver, He “IS” your Present Help in such a time, perplexing, painful, difficult time as this. “God is…” a very present help in time of need. The blessing of the time of troubles? We can discover “God is”- to us- our Help to carry, sustain,deliver, comfort us in such times. We get to know -God Who -is, and testify of Him to others of the God who IS- in times of trouble- a very present Help.
And perhaps like me this day, you too, will need to SPEAK truth to yourself…”why cast down O my soul, put your hope in God…..” for “God IS…” a reality- so He is to you a very present Help in time of need.”- PRAISE HIM!
As God was to the Psalmist who penned these words, so long ago, God “ IS…” to you- a very present help- in times of trouble!
If it wasn’t for trouble we wouldn’t personally and collectively know and prove…it is so, “God IS… a very present help in trouble!”
God is All POWERFUL.
God PERSONALLY Cares for you.
God will PROVIDE Help for you!
God keeps All His PROMISES!
“God IS… a PRESENT help in trouble!”
“Hold that God is faithful”-{Hudson Taylor}
Praise Him!
God Bless,