There Is Comfort In His Word In Times Of Difficulties, Distress. There is Refreshment for the weary and the suffering. In Psalm 119:50, The Psalmist reveals two realities at the time “My affliction” it was personal and felt, and “My Comfort” was also acknowledged, known, felt, experienced and he testifies to both and they were both realities to him and he testifies that in “my affliction” …” my Comfort” is found in the Word of God! For the “afflicted,” suffering one, under great pressure, they too can experience the Comfort of God He offers and distributes through His Word! -{Read Psalm 119:50}
The Psalmist was mocked for his trust in God’s Word, but he does not turn aside from it but Reminds himself of it and in doing so comforts himself. There is power in the Word because of Whose Word it is– {Psalm 119:51-52}. The Psalmist COMFORTS himself through focusing on the Word of God, the GOD whose Word it is, and His Promises! He says he “meditated” on the Word of God and as he did he testifies,”…they Comfort me”-{v52 NLT}. How beautiful, how refreshing, how stabilizing and restful to the “afflicted” one!
And which of us in the midst of difficulties, trials, do not need comfort? We all do, and in all honesty, we all seek out “comfort” but often in the wrong places.
We often turn to “substitutes” rather than the Scripture, and though we may find momentary “relief,” we do not find genuine comfort for the heart.
It takes faith under pressure to believe God is who He says He is and Will do what He says He will do, and the Psalmist found Him to be true in his “affliction!” When he went to “the Well” of comfort he found refreshment for his soul!” His faith was put to the test in the fire of affliction and he chose to turn to the LORD and His Word and receive from Him, a reservoir of His Comfort!
Are you “Afflicted,” suffering, under great pressure? You can be comforted from His Word. I too know this reality, as have many others…as I am sure you have in your own journey…
Go to where He gives Comfort and find it…in His Word!-🙂
“This is my COMFORT in my affliction, That Your WORD has revived me.”-{Psalm 119:50}