Prayer is a privilege afforded us, which we often fail to recognize or take time to thank God for.
Thank Him, that the door to Heaven, the Throne of Grace is not bolted shut against you, where you have no access, no Advocate, eternally shut out, ignored, rejected and unloved. Thank Him that because of the Blood of the Lamb, the door is wide open, always open to you to come confidently, reverently, expectantly to the Throne of Grace, where sits the Resurrected Christ, who reigns, who loves you is for you and bids you, ” …come to receive mercy and GRACE TO HELP in TIME OF NEED.” {Heb 4:16}.
How beautiful the phrase, “GRACE TO HELP.” The word “help,” was used of one who hearing a cry came running to assist, rescue deliver. How wonderful when our head is down, when strength is weak, when words seem hard to formulate, the sigh, the cry of the heart, is not unknown, ignored by Him. He hears and eagerly, willingly, lovingly, the picture of His running to assist us with Grace, kindness, empowering us, “in time of need.” If you and I never were conscious of “need,” we would be ignorant to the “GRACE TO HELP,” He supplies.
“Need’s” are opportunities for us to come to Him to “receive, grace to help.” Felt needs, are reminders to us , that we’re not lone, we have not been shut out from “help,” by God, but His Throne of Grace, not a Throne of Condemnation, or ostracized, or rejection awaits us when we “come to the Throne of Grace.” We come and are welcomed, warmly, eternally by Him who sits upon “The THRONE of Grace.” Throne speaks of authority, and there is no higher authority than God Himself, maker of Heaven and earth, Sovereign King. We come to ONE who not only hears, but has the power, wisdom, love to aid us “in time of need.”
What another lovely phrase to comfort and sooth your tired heart and weary mind when life seems at times stressful, overwhelming, when you feel you are emotionally drowning, and you can hardly lift your head, But that “sigh,” towards Him, that look of faith, “Help LORD,” sets you up for receiving, “grace to help in time of need.” -“In time of need.’” what a beautiful word picture this phrase give us, literally it reads, “the needy one,” it is those who are needy, these He bids “come and receive, mercy and grace to help, in time of need.” You don’t have to wait till you “have it all together,” and then come and approach Him, you come, broken, weary, tired, confused, “needy,”-it is to you and me He bids “COME and RECEIVE… mercy, Grace to help, in time of need.” How beautiful and wonderful The LORD JESUS is, “full of grace and truth,” whom we read in Hebrews 4, “empathizes,” which means, He “feels the very feelings you feel,” He understands our weakness, and temptations we read and to that one, He says “COME to the Throne of Grace, to Receive mercy and grace to help…” How wonderful, He sits not as your Condemner, but as your loving, compassionate, righteous, reigning, Sovereign King. Your Advocate, Redeemer, Conqueror, Great High Priest, whoever lives to intercede for you. He has paid in full, the law’s demands against you, and satisfied the Law’s demands, where you are no longer an enemy and without hope, but a child, a child of the King, who is loved, eternally so. It is not the ‘strong’ who pray, but the desperate, those conscious of Him and their own need, indeed it is the ‘needy’ ones whom He says ‘come… and receive, mercy and grace to help in ‘time of need.’ Exhausted? Tempted? Weak? Weary? Life becomes all too much? “Come to the Throne of Grace , where sits the compassionate, Righteous King, whose Throne of Power, Provision, is available to you where sits a Person, not some automated answering machine, telling you the times for “business hours- and unfortunately the office is now closed, call back Monday”- He is always available- what a privilege we have… the privilege of prayer, provided at great cost to a Person, Jesus Christ, who now ascended and eternally seated as Reigning King bids you, “…Come to the Throne of grace to RECEIVE mercy and Grace to Help, in time of need.”
I thank God, that a “sigh,” that is directed towards Him, before Him, is never in vain. For we have a Great High Priest who “empathizes,” with us and we can come to One who understands, and promises, and has the unlimited power to meet us wherever we are, “…in time of need.”…. What a wonderful thought, that we can boast, take delight in testifying to others who want to know something about us, we can say we are part of ‘the needy one’s,’ who have a Great High Priest whom we can come to and He is able, and runs to assist us with mercy and grace to help in time of need. How wonderful to be a part of the “needy one’s,” who have One who has no need and has promised to meet all of our needs. – {Phil 4:19}
Prayer? What is it? It is a privilege. It is something to give thanks to God for, because of His mercy, grace has provided, at great cost, unlimited access through the blood of His Son. We all pray, don’t we, but have you ever thanked Him, for this Privilege that He has gifted to you?
Prayer is a privilege afforded us, which we often fail to recognize or take time to THANK God for. Now is a good time to stop and say, “THANK YOU, the COST made on my behalf that I may come to Your Throne of Grace…to find help in time of need.” The Cost of the Privilege is His Son, it brings us back to the cross…. in my time and your time of “need,” and in all times, we have access, because of,,.. the cross…!
The Privilege of prayer we have is costly. The Blood of JESUS. It is good to stop and meditate on the cost, the cross, and to allow an appreciation to soak into the fiber of our being and permeate us with an appreciation to such an extent, that we find ourselves more thankful to Him for the privilege we have to Pray… and in time of need to know we can come to The throne of Grace, for it is for us, “the needy ones,”
‘What a Friend we have in Jesus all our sins and griefs to bear… what a PRIVILEGE to carry EVERYTHING TO GOD IN PRAYER…”
God bless you, with Himself, and may we grow in our gratitude to Him for the PRIVILEGE and avail of the PRIVILEGE to come,… RECEIVE, MERCY AND GRACE TO HELP, IN TIME OF NEED.”