Paul’s Thorn- Prayer And The “Thorn.”
“Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me…” – { 2 Corinthians 12:8}
In your circumstances, the LORD has the power to answer. Sometimes He answers by removing the “thorn.” We often pray to this end, but when He does not then we often find an “offense” in Him. Why? The Deficiency is not in the LORD. The Deficiency is not in His Grace. The Deficiency at times is in our view of Him. We falsely believe God is OBLIGATED to answer our payer the way we want! The Deficiency is our attitude, very often it is, “my will be done,” rather than a heart in submission, “Your will be done!” And when we do not get the answer we want, indeed “demand,” He becomes a stumbling block to us! We wrongly believe He exists for us, rather than we exist for Him and His purposes. We are to pray from a heart of submission, by all means asking Him to remove the “thorn” but if not, knowing He has a purpose and HE is sufficient for us in it. If you find you cannot pray from such a heart, Ask Him to help you come to that place. His grace extends to every area of our lives!
The LORD did not remove Paul’s “thorn” but He did display grace and power to him and through him… and centuries later we see a wonderful testimony to what He is able to do where a man “gladly boasts in weakness” understanding from God’s perspective for him, – “when I am weak then I am strong!” {v10}