Psalm 73:26 – “My Health May Fail, And My spirit May Grow Weak, BUT GOD…”
“My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, BUT GOD remains the strength of my heart; He is mine forever.“ – Psalms 73:26
At times in recent weeks I have been so ill, I have in my mind just wanted to sleep the sleep of death. I have been so so ill. It is years now of illness and the cycles of pain and debilitation are a reality. Several Dr’s visits- the last one with a new Dr who apparently had not read the two other Dr’s report, was to say the least, disappointing. And the days spent in bed and only 10 -15 minutes a day to spend with my youngest Isaiah is very hard on me as I want to be available to him, but my strength fails…my voice comes and goes. It is disheartening not to be able to invest in Isaiah as I would like to. I have prayed God would be a Friend to him. My health deteriorates, yet in His kindness He allows my voice to go out through audio messages, recorded in the past. A man who travels world wide recently spent a little time with me and told me for a message he and a colleague listened to while driving on a business trip I gave on Jesus and the two disciples on the road to Damascus. I had never met this dear man, someone had given him a CD. We have over 846,000 hits on our website.
Noah, our son has been of great help to various widows as he has labored for “VOICE OF THE WIDOWS.” Recently he got to speak three nights at a church outreach…
Evan our second youngest has been ministering in parts of Detroit reaching out. Mary continues with investing in young women. and Cindee -“the energizer bunny” keeps going and going depositing her life into people…I try and reach out the best I can through devotionals on our ministry face- book page and devotionals through email. I don’t have strength to speak to people for long, It takes alot of physical effort to draw strength to speak,as it hurts to do so, having to take deep breaths to try force out the words,”BUT GOD…”
Here is a testimony to Him from this morning. I do hope it may encourage you
I awoke at 2:30 this morning and this verse came to mind. I have now been basically bed ridden for over three months. My voice comes and goes and at times it takes everything I have to be able to speak above a whisper. Chronic, debilitating pain accompanied with weakness and lack of sleep, a few hours a night at most, leaves me very very weak, “But God…”‘ is my portion, He has the words of life, who else or where else can I turn to.
Psalm 34:6 is such a comfort, when I pray He listens, to have an audience with the King, it is uninterrupted I do not, nor do you need to “take a number” and wait … We have immediate access to God through the blood of Jesus, we can speak to Him, cast our cares upon Him, receive grace and mercy and help in our time of need from the Throne of grace to which He calls us to but “come.” God is my portion, and though my health and heart do fail and faint, there is a Friend who sticks closer than a Brother. In the silence of the night I am not alone but He who never sleeps nor slumbers is my Companion, Friend, and strengthener of my weary heart and mind. “I’ve found a Friend, O such a Friend, He loved me ere I knew Him.” Whatever your sadness, or storm of life, while the temptation to worry, fret is huge, you are never alone, He is with you wherever you go, He is the Friend of sinners. As the Psalmist wrote so many years ago,“My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, BUT GOD remains the strength of my heart; He is mine forever.”
Circumstances of health and heart may fail but the Blessed assurance is- the IMMUTABILITY- UNCHANGING COMMITMENT OF God to me and you, “In Christ” which the Psalmist points out are…these two wonderful PROMISES, to think on and treasure. Today whatever may change these two assurances are non negotiable, unchanging loving and tender and strong commitments from God to you and me…
1. GOD remains the STRENGTH of my heart
2. He is mine forever.
STAND OF FAITH – in the midst of his health failing and his heart fainting- indeed a double failure,- the Psalmist shows us his eternal support- God Himself!
The Psalmist makes these two statements of faith – God remains the strength of his heart and God is his God and that forever.
He will not turn to someone else or somewhere else. His faith rests firmly in God- the living God! His faith was not conditional, depending on “good health” and prosperity, but irrespective of his own circumstances his STAND and commitment of faith in God was unshaken!
STRENGTH IS IN THE LORD – Our strength to persevere amidst weariness is found only in God! He is- present tense- my and your God who has never failed to keep His promise and will not begin with you. His commitment is unreserved, irrevocable and one of love, compassion, tenderness. He who stood when Stephen was stoned, His eye of tenderness, compassion is upon you. He draws near to the broken-hearted, He heals the broken- hearted and He is forever with us. Never alone at any time are we. He is our God and HE is faithful.
Circumstances may and do change but no changes Jehovah knows.”I the Lord do not change”-Malachi 3:6. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. He is presently with you. It has nothing to do with how you “feel” but He assures us He is presently with us.
How kind of the Lord to waken me with this verse on my weary mind. It describes – me to a “T”!
“My health may fail,
My spirit may grow weak…” – these are facts...BUT this is not the end of my story for there is a glorious, Divine interruption and Assurance in these two words of comfort, strength, hope – “BUT GOD…” assures the psalmist and me and you… there is always a “BUT GOD…” He is the end of our story….“BUT GOD…” remains the strength of my heart;“BUT GOD…” He is mine forever.”
Whatever your circumstances, end the sentence with,”BUT GOD…” otherwise you will turn inward and find yourself spiraling downward, “BUT GOD…” end your thoughts and sentences with Him. Speak the truth to yourself there is always a”BUT GOD…” in your story! THINK much on”BUT GOD….” rest in Him. Rejoice in Him… whatever your circumstances may be there is a “BUT GOD….” for you today.