“Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise.”-{James 5:13}. 


1.- Note the Obvious; “suffering… trouble” IS TO BE EXPECTED.

They are part of life as James said in chapter 1:2 “when” not “if” but “when you encounter various trials…” Peter wrote,” Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.”-{1 Peter 4:12}. We are often surprised when troubles and sufferings come to us and somehow in the back of our mind may feel it is unfair or that we should be excluded from having them. But they are part of life here on earth! God uses them for our good to conform us to the image of His Son.- {Read Rom 8:28-29}.To Spiritually mature us. To produce Godly attitudes, actions virtues in us that reflect Christlike behavior which ONLY His Spirit can produce, but produce He does. Notice the potential for us from our sufferings, troubles. Consider.. “knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”-{Read James 1:3-5};

“…we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance,

proven character; and proven character, hope;”- {Romans 5:3-4}; “ After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you.” -{1 Peter 5:10}. To Equip us to help others- “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who

comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.”-{2 Cor 1:3-4}.For the follower of Christ there is purpose and spiritual benefits for us.

2.- Note the Obvious; God Has His ANSWER For Us.

He does not leave us to guess “what is God’s will,” for me  in this time of suffering, trouble? As though we have to guess, that God is playing “hide and seek” with us, that we somehow have to guess what is it He wants from n, and somehow I can ‘guess” right. What stress that would cause and ultimately bring about stress and lead to despair. Yet we often end up there by choice, because we ignore His Wisdom from His Word. Imagine if you were at school and facing a big test and the teacher announces ‘Today, is an open book test.” Phew what relief you would feel and even confidence. As you know you only have to read the question, open the book and get the answer. The teacher is not giving you an open book test so you may fail, but so you may get the right answer! The teacher is on your side! God has given us  an “Open Book Test,” and imagine if you failed to take advantage of it and open the book. If you got answers wrong and failed, whose fault is it? The teacher? I don’t think so and neither do you. Yet God gives us His Word and tells us how to respond in the test and we do what? Close the Book, ignore what the answer is  and then who do we blame? If we are honest, at times we blame God! God has His answer for us…”PRAY!”

3.- Note the Obvious; Troubles, suffering are OPPORTUNITIES for us to talk to God!

Here are three obvious truths from this verse, that though obvious we fail or forget to recognize and realize… and at times do!


You would think the most natural thing to do when trouble comes to us is for us… to pray, that we don’t need to be told to do so. But that is not always true is it. Sometimes when trouble comes we turn to food for relief, or a box set maybe to sit through to try forget or escape our troubles, to somehow dull our mind, pain, we turn to pills, alcohol , the shopping channel. There can be various places we turn to and not to the LORD and praying to Him in our pain, trouble. The word James uses for “Trouble” {kakopatheo} means “suffering. To suffer hardship or affliction.” It speaks of enduring hardship that comes from an external even a malicious source. Those circumstances and trouble that are outside of your control. – {2 Tim 2:3,9,4:5}. At times when suffering , troubles, come we can fret, worry, despair, be overwhelmed, be fearful, and we act or react at times not God’s way but falling back into old habit patterns and ignore God. We go more by what we “feel,” than by faith in Him and what His Word reveals! We ignore His wisdom for us to…PRAY… How we respond shows what and WHO we believe. God can use our troubles to show us who or what we are trusting, relying upon, and what is in our own hearts that He wants to lovingly change in conforming us in our thinking, motivations, view of life from His perspective and make us more like the LORD Jesus.


Which of His has not been tempted or questioned in times of trouble, suffering, “Where is God?” The Psalmist answers, “He will call on Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.”-{ Psalm 91:15}. He is present with you in trouble. He has not left you or turned away preoccupied with something or someone else allowing you to go through suffering, troubles alone, uncared for. He tells us He is with us in trouble. The temptation can be to question or doubt He is with us or that He knows or cares. “… casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.”-{1 Peter 5:7}. “…He Himself has said, “I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you.“-{Hebrews 13:5}. His promise, assurance to you in suffering, trouble, is He is with you! What if I do not “feel” He is with me? Your feelings do not change His promise, commitment to you. He is present. If you live by feelings you know as well as I do that they change, and cannot be relied upon as fact! His Word is our foundation to build on Jesus tells us. “… everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock” in Matthew 7:24.Trust His Word.


This is God’s wisdom to us, and for us, that when we are experiencing suffering, when trouble comes, turn to Him, pray, talk to Him, trust Him, believe His Word. He is present with you. He knows all about it. He Cares for you. He is the Answer to your need, whether He delivers you from, or gives grace to sustain you in with His grace as He did with Paul in 2 Cor 12:9.

When troubles come they are opportunities to trust Him and develop our faith. How? By simply turning to Him and praying! Think about the last time or even presently when troubles, suffering has come your way, where did you turn? Where are you turning to Him or a substitute? We know what to do, but do we do it? Do we turn to HIM and Pray? Good time to start if you are having trouble is now. “Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I shall rescue you, and you will honor Me.” -{Psalm 50;15}. This has been a verse the LORD has used and encourage me with over the years. What are we to do “In The Day Of Trouble?” He says “Call on Me!”... He will rescue and when we call on Him we are Honoring, glorifying Him.”

Pray with Expectancy for His Promises to be fulfilled;

* We Pray and we can be encouraged He imparts the Promise of Wisdom to those who pray in faith- James 1:5

* We Pray and we can be encouraged He imparts the promise of Deliverance– Psalm 50:15

* We Pray and can be encouraged by the Promise He gives of Peace for us when we are Anxious- Phil 4:6-7

* We Pray and can be encouraged Knowing that as we do what He tells us we are Pleasing Him– as Faith Pleases Him-Heb 11:6

* We Pray and know as we do we are expressing Love to Him– John 14:21.

* We Pray and Know as we do, we are doing His will, and in doing so is the safest place for us.- James 5:13

* We Pray and know in doing so we are Honoring. Glorifying Him – Psalm 50:15

“LET THEM.PRAY.”… That seems obvious for us to say… yes pray…. but do we when trouble or suffering come our way? Knowing what to do and doing it are not always the same thing. The fact God tells us what to do is because we need to know what to do and the privilege of what we can do.

How kind of God. Can you imagine if we could not pray when troubles come, where would we turn to?…. but we can pray and it cost Jesus Christ His life for us to have access to the Throne of Grace and when we come and pray we find this wonderful truth and promise…

Our Actions Prove What We Believe! Our Actions Prove WHO we Believe.


” For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”-{Hebrews 4:15-16}. “In time of need” it is the needy one who can come to the Throne not of anger, indifference but Grace, favor, kindness to what end? The PROMISE of receiving from Him… MERCY… GRACE… TO HELP US WHEN WE ARE IN NEED! YOU HAVE SOMEWHERE TO TURN TO AND SOMEONE TO TURN TO. HE WHO sits upon the Throne of all Thrones!

BE ENCOURAGED.. when suffering comes, troubles… you have someone to turn to… you can talk to Him… you can PRAY…. there is no comfort like His comfort, no peace like HIS Peace, No Wisdom like His wisdom. No Help like His help…There is no One like Him…and He affords you the privilege, access to come before Him and His Throne and… PRAY!

Are You Suffering? Do You Have Troubles? What is God’s wisdom, and will for you? PRAY. It takes faith to do so. Faith in Him to be who he says He is and Do what He says He will do.

God is in the Details when you are suffering, or in trouble. He is working it all for good and He is imparting to you His wisdom and will for you by telling you what is the safest thing for you and the most Honoring thing for Him…”Pray!”

It is often in the Furnace of affliction that our faith is developed and displayed and loyalty to Him made known…

In Your Sufferings, Troubles… THINK and PRACTICE…God’s Word which in this case is to… PRAY!