“Come to Me all you who are weary and heavy laden- and I will Give you Rest.” {Read Matthew 11:28-30}.
“COME TO ME”– The call of Christ is always to Himself. “Come to Me.” The command is one of compassion, deliverance, safety, assurance,security, love. It is a specific call to “ALL” those who weighed down by their sin, conscious of their need, and weary, to the point of emotional exhaustion from trying to in their own righteousness satisfy and earn God’s Favor,through their own works of self righteousness . they are weary and laden down with the guilt of sin. These are bid to “COME TO ME “… and in doing so HE WILL cause their storm tossed, guilt laden souls to be given in exchange “REST.” Spiritual Rest is found EXCLUSIVELY in CHRIST ALONE. He is God’s means to rest of soul, for “ALL” who are weary and heavy laden. HIS BLOOD, HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS to clothe them, HIS PERSON, PROVISION… in exchange for their weariness and heavy laden, sin consciousness , imparted to Him of one’s self receives from Him, REST for the mind, soul. And the CALL of Love is to “COME TO ME…”
“TAKE MY YOKE UPON YOU.” How may we “Come” but in Submission to His authority. The “Yoke” spoke of and continues to speak of submission. We submit to His absolute authority by taking HIS, “yoke upon” us. We reject self as authority by submission to His absolute authority in and over our lives.This is repentance, a turning from self rule to submit to Christ’s right to reign and authority. It is repentance towards God and faith in Christ alone! Submission to His Word as the authority in our lives.{Matthew 7:24-27}
“LEARN OF ME”– Here we find not a yoke of cruelty but we learn of Him that He is “meek and gentle.”Here we find these two self descriptive words Jesus uses of Himself. We know not His height, or size, for these are not important for Him to convey but what He does convey is His heart. “Meek and Gentle” Here are the only self descriptive He gives of Himself. Here is what He wants the sinner , weighed down with the guilt and burden of sin and the heaviness of trying to please God and attain a righteousness of their own to know. Unlike the religious of the day who laid burdens upon them, Jesus is not like them. He is “meek and gentle of heart…” and to this One, this POWERFUL, compassionate One they are called to leave their works of self righteousness and Come to Him as the sole answer for their great eternal need. Indeed Here is the way of LOVE….
We see not a cruel tyrant as the evil one whose goal is to “kill, steal and destroy” us or the world which seeks to deceive us, but He is meek and gentle of heart and we come and submit to Him to teach us of… HIMSELF! The great pursuit and knowledge is to know Him, who is “eternal life.”-{Read John 17:3; 2 Peter 3:18}. We can learn of Him, for He teaches those who have Come to Him and have submitted to Him, His yoke of authority, which is “gentle.”
In Christ alone we “FIND REST” for our soul. The cessation of self works to attain righteousness with God in exchange for the gift Of Christs’ righteousness which is peace with God. basely solely on His work! Here is the rest of sanctification, as we live daily looking to Him, resting our all upon Him., i submission to Him and His Word, enlightened and empowered by the indwelling Holy Spirit He imparts this rest of soul much as Paul spoke of in Philippians 4 when when he spoke to anxious believers to instead of worrying, instead they re called to pray and that as a result the Peace of God which surpasses ALL understanding would guard their “minds and hearts” where? In the realm of “Christ Jesus.”
** To Seek to Come to Him and not submit to Him is not Salvation but demonic deception! It is eternal treason! It is rebellion of the highest sort!
[“These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me.”-{Matt 15:8}.]
Three Commands in this Passage {Matt 11:28-30}
These words of Love come forth from the Son Of Love.
* He does not love us because we are lovable. For indeed our sin costs Him His life.
* He does not love us because He needs us. For if He needs us He would be incomplete and deficient if He needed something or someone to satisfy Himself. * He loves us because He chose to do so, independent of all but Himself! His love, His amazing Grace, is the glorious “BUT GOD…” moment, when we deep in the bondage of sin, shackled and unaware we become conscious of our sin through the work of the Holy Spirit and His Word. We become conscious of our sin against God. And try as we might to “do better, … be better” we come to the conclusion we cannot for we are not better we are sin sick and in need of deliverance outside of ourselves and we hear these words of Love,”COME TO ME… ALL You who are weary and laden and I will give you Rest…”
“COME TO ME….” The Answer to our great need is found in A PERSON! The LORD JESUS CHRIST!
We “Come” to Him initially for salvation and we come moment by moment continually to HIM to meet us as we grow in our consciousness of our need of Him. The beautiful words “COME TO ME” no matter what the troubles, perplexities, are always the words of LOVE. “Come to ME,” for He is our answer. He is our Loving, caring, Provider. His Blood, the evidence of His love. His Ascension the assurance His sacrifice is sufficient. His Spirit the guarantee of our Belonging to Him. HIS CROSS. HIS LOVE. HIMSELF our greatest need, and He continually may be approached {Heb 4:15-16} to RECEIVE from Him, mercy and GRACE to HELP in TIME OF NEED… so we again and again hear the words of Love and are reminded what we need to do, whom we need to come to … “COME TO ME..” AND WE “ABIDE – REST…” in Him, IN HIS LOVE! -{John 15:4,10}.
Shortly after I awoke this morning, words of an old hymn came to mind, a few lines… and I looked up the rest of they hymn and found it and here below are written these words of love… I hope they encourage you of His love expressed to you and for you…
I hear the words of love,
I gaze upon the blood,
I see the mighty sacrifice,
And I have peace with God.
‘Tis everlasting peace!
Sure as Jehovah’s Name;
‘Tis stable as His steadfast throne,
Forevermore the same.
The clouds may come and go
And storms may sweep my sky;
This blood-sealed friendship changes not;
The cross is ever nigh.
My love is oft-times low,
My joy still ebbs and flows;
But peace with Him remains the same;
No change Jehovah knows.
I change, He changes not,
The Christ can never die;
His love, not mine, the resting place,
His truth, not mine, the tie.”
Words by Horatius Bonar (1861),I HEAR THE WORDS OF LOVE”
*** Whatever the Problem, He is THE SOLUTION- “COME …TO…ME”