I am reminded as I write when I shared a trial with our children when they were twelve years old and younger as I was trying to teach them to turn the trials to prayers, one of them prayed, and I was reminded of this ,”LORD, THANK YOU FOR …THIS…TRIAL!” I am not sure what anyone else prayed, god does as He is the Audience , but I remember that coming out of one so young… and by His grace in this present trial I can say “THANK YOU LORD, FOR THIS TRIAL!” That is HIS Amazing Grace working in my life, at this moment.
Will I always respond so? I don’t know , but I DO KNOW based on His Word I have the power to ” God has granted us EVERYTHING for life and GODLINESS, through the True Knowledge of Him who called us to himself by His Glory and Excellence and given us …PRECIOUS AND MAGNIFICENT PROMISES….” to respond in a God honoring way. Pray I do, and mine do, as it honors Him, Glorifies Him and is doing His Will… and a testimony to Him!
“God is at work IN You to Desire and DO His good Pleasure.”-{Phil 2:13} “I CAN DO ALL THINGS through Christ Who INFUSES me with Strength.”- {Read Phil 4:13}. “My Grace IS {present tense } Sufficient”-{2 Cor 12:9}.Paul wrote this amidst great suffering… The word,”Sufficient” means, “ENOUGH and the implication of SATISFYING!! He Supplies grace, He Supplies Satisfaction. He supplies all of our needs… that’s HIS PROMISE… take it to the Bank Of Heaven and cash it in!
“Today’s trial is tomorrow’s testimony!!”
The first four letters in testimony are T-E-S-T… if we never had a test, we wouldn’t have a testimony !
Fill the air with Thanksgiving...
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever”- TRUSTWORTHY!! -{Heb 13;8}
“Count your many blessings name them one by one, count your many blessings see what GOD has done, Count your blessings, name them one by one, count your many blessings SEE WHAT GOD HAS DONE!”