1.Those in Authority, (1 Tim 2: 2);
2. Gospel Opportunities-(Col 4:3-4);
3. Believers Maturity-(Eph 6:18; Col 4:12;Luke 10:27 )
4. Boldness, Clarity & Gentleness in sharing the Gospel – (Eph 6:19; Col 4:4;1 Peter 3:15);
5. The Lost-(1 Tim 2:4);
6. Missionaries to be raised up; (Matt 9:37-38);
7. For ALL People-(1 Tim 2:1);
8.For Believers – (Eph 6:18);
9. God’s Name And Fame-( Matt 6:9)
The Above List of categories is but a guideline to help you concentrate prayer for different groups… to help encourage you to prayer, speak to God on behalf of others…
STOP!– Whose Names Can you go back and Put Beside Each category and PRAY NOW For?
Open Your Bibles and Read The Scriptures beside each category and allow the Spirit of God minister to you and motivate you to pray,..