“OUR PEOPLE MUST LEARN TO DO GOOD by meeting the URGENT needs of others; then they will not be unproductive.”- {Titus 3:14}
Paul writes to Titus, that the Redeemed of the LORD
- – “OUR PEOPLE…”-God’s Redeemed, the follower of Christ are in view here and SPECIFICALLY..
- – “MUST LEARN…”– This is not a mere ‘good idea,’ or a ‘nice thought,’ that we can sit around and talk about as though it is optional. This must be taught them, reminded to them and they “MUST LEARN,” personal responsibility in this matter. Why? This is GOD’S WILL!
The word “Learn,”-{Manthano} means to “genuinely understand and accept a teaching as true and to apply it in one’s life.” It is present imperative, it is a command that is continuous, that means it is to be a habit… a lifestyle of genuinely understanding and accepting the teaching as true and applying it to your life! Work at it!!!
Paul says, they “MUST LEARN…” And what are they to learn?
- – “TO DO GOOD…’ Note the call to ACTION.“DO…” it goes beyond the thinking of “doing” to the actuality of DOING and in this case is it the ACT of “DOING GOOD!”
In Titus 3:14 – What does this “Learning TO DO GOOD,” take the form of? Paul answers,
- – “… BY…”-Here is a hinge for the swinging open of the “door,” namely, “by…”
Note it is a “NEED” and it is “URGENT,”…”(anagkaios from anágke = necessity, compelling force) refers to what one cannot do without because it is indispensable. It refers to what ought to be done according to the law of duty (in this context the law of Christian love not legalism).
Anagkaios refers to what is required by the circumstances. Needs (5532) (chreia from chréos = debt) in this case refers to that which is lacking and particularly needed.” -{preceptaustin commentaries}
They are to learn by observation, information and COLLECTIVELY – “OUR PEOPLE,” Note the collective co-operation in this “DOING GOOD”- by “…THE MEETING,…”of those who have “URGENT NEEDS – OF-OTHERS.”
- “…Then THEY WILL NOT BE UNPRODUCTIVE.”- literally means, “without fruit and thus barren. It can include the ideas of unprofitable. Paul does not want their learning and their endeavors to be unprofitable or productive of bad fruit..” -{preceptaustin commentaries}.
- In learning to DO GOOD, which is manifested in the Meeting of the URGENT NEEDS of others- “THEN,…” – this is the hinge the door hangs upon,…“then THEY WILL NOT BE UNPRODUCTIVE.”- Failure to learn and do and meet will be “UNPRODUCTIVE,”-The possibility of being “UNPRODUCTIVE,” is a possibility which will only be negated through the Application of Paul’s teaching to Titus, and then Titus teaching of it to the “Redeemed,” of the LORD! “LEARN TO DO GOOD…”
In order to “Learn,” you have to have a teachable heart. And the lesson that God wants to teach us and that we “learn …to do good by meeting the URGENT needs of OTHERS…”
Paul wrote, that one purpose”If you are a thief, quit stealing. Instead, use your hands for good hard work, and then give generously to others in need.
“-{ Eph 4:28}. ‘When is a thief no longer a thief? We might response ‘when he or she stops stealing!’ But, No! Its only the part, it is when you stop stealing and WORK with your hands … to what end? That you may have enough to help someone in… NEED! Did you realize that one reason you have a job is so you can help others generously who have… Need!
Vincent says
“Not only in supplying the needs, but in cultivating Christian graces in themselves by acts of kindness.”
God’s Heart is a Loving Generous Giving heart, “For God so loved He GAVE..” His Son… for OTHERS… Paul wrote ” The Son of God loved me and GAVE Himself up for me…”-{Gal 2:20}.
“And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. ” -{Hebrews 13:16}.
And we reflect Him as we lovingly, generously, Give… to those in urgent need!