“We know love by this that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. But whoever has the world’s goods, and sees his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him? Little children, let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth.”- {1 John 3:16-18}.
What is that GOD wants people to “KNOW?” The word speaks of “certainty, assuredly,”– there is no possibilities, a ‘maybe’ or ‘optional.’ It is spoken by Divine Authority through John. “LOVE…IN DEED AND IN TRUTH.”- V 18. The Love of Christ is known through Jesus laying down His life for the believers, John assures his writers under inspiration of the Holy Spirit. He in turn wants them to know the reaction, response to such sacrificial love, is they are obligated by love- not legalism, but obligated, motivated by the love of Christ to lay down their lives for one another. This they can do with the “world’s goods,” that GOD Has entrusted them with. Again realizing that they as we are not “owners,” but “stewards” to be used for good and to EXPRESS The Love of Christ. The REALITY of the LOVE of GOD within us IS MANIFESTED IN when seeing a brother or sister in need and we have this world’s goods- to meet their NEED.
“Let us not …” talk a “good game” or “invoke” that “I will be praying for you” or “..The LORD will provide…” at that stage, the excuses are exposed and the heart of lovelessness revealed. John wants nothing of this spirit to be adopted, or practiced by the believers for it is ANTI- CHRIST! It is not CHRIST’S heart. Indeed it is a TEST of Salvation!
What John wants the people to “KNOW.” Firstly, “WE KNOW LOVE BY THIS…” Love is knowable! It is that “…HE laid down His life for us…” Jesus laid down His life for us. The CROSS, assures us WE CAN KNOW FOR CERTAINTY. He points to the OBJECTIVE TRUTH of The Cross. Not based on changing “feelings” but the Fact of what Jesus did! The Right RESPONSE to His love? is seen in…
THE RE-ACTION TO THE LOVE OF CHRIST– “we ought { the word means ‘morally obligated,’} to lay our lives down for the brethren.” This is all inclusive for every believer, “…we…” The response to the Love and Cross of Christ is to be responded to by CHOOSING to “…lay our lives down for the brethren.” Some die for their allegiance to Christ to be sure, but many don’t. SO HOW THEN Are we to “…lay down our lives for the brethren?” But what does that DOES NOT look like PRACTICALLY…? “ Let us love in deed and truth.” Love is as simple as meeting needs! See a need, meet a need! Love does!
It is possible to have the ability and Opportunity and not the heart of Love which will usually mean the person is not helped by you. Not for lack of Ability or Opportunity but the main ingredient at that moment. LOVE is the Key Ingredient. Love for God, Love for others.
Some have needs, Paul knew this also and he was the recipient of such love. He thanked the Philippians who gave out of their poverty, what he calls in chapter 4 “ …a sacrificial gift…sweet aroma, ….well pleasing to God,” and with that he assures them, “And my God shall supply ALL OF YOUR NEEDS according to His riches in Christ.” The ones who met the need would themselves have their needs met!
The LORD provides for your needs. And the LORD provides for you to meet the needs of others!
“And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. “-{Hebrews 13:16}
Needs are Opportunities to Express The Love of Christ.