“Pray lest you faint” -(Luke 18:1)

We live in an instant society, drive-through restaurants, where we drive up and place our order and if we have to wait a few minutes longer than we think we should…we get upset. We want things now, we expect things now, and we feel entitled to have things now! And so we can treat God with the same mentality when it comes to…prayer and in particular answers!

One of the easiest things to do is to lose heart, grow tired, give up, and question “what is the point?”…”Why is the request not answered?” And decide, and it is a choice we make to …quit praying!

One of the hardest and at times wearying things to do is to persevere in prayer! Some reasons are because of…


If we don’t see answers immediately, we may choose to get frustrated, irritated, despondent, quit, give up, and “throw in the towel,” and when we do, we spiral downwards, emotionally, and we spiritually “faint.” The word “faint,” {egkakeo} literally means “not to give in to the bad.”{preceptaustin} . It speaks of “grow weary, lose heart,””bad, evil.” It is to give in to evil. In Luke 18:1 the context is what the disciples were to do between the LORD’S ministry and in between HIS RETURN. KEEP ON PRAYING! Because His return was not right away does not mean He was not coming. Keep praying… don’t lose heart, and give up, Keep praying for strength to do so. Keep praying speaks of the spirit of prayer. The atmosphere in which we are to live in. Prayer, speaking to God, referring to God. Being in submission to God’s will. Dependent upon God. Indeed it is to have your mind set on the things above. It is engaging the mind and heart toward God, and praying for God’s honor and will be done in the matter, as the highest priority.

Don’t give up, be courageous, doggedly, and determinedly so…motivated by the character of God and the promises of God.

The disciples in Luke 18 are told

Don’t give up while waiting for the second coming of the LORD Jesus and this is one motive to continue praying! -{Luke18:8}



1. – Don’t Lose Heart…Because God keeps His Promises. 

He has never failed to keep one and He will not begin with you or me!

2. – Don’t Lose Heart…Because God Reigns!

 Don’t lose heart because of what you see going on in the world. God reigns, is working, and is merciful! -“But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”-{2 Peter 3:8-9}

3.- Don’t Lose Heart…Because God Still Answers Prayers,

“This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests which we have asked from Him.”-{1 John 5:14-15}. Keep on praying

4.- Don’t Lose Heart Because Jesus Christ Is Returning! –{Luke 18:8}

At times we can confuse God’s delays as His denials as did Martha who said, ” Lord if you had been here, my brother would not have died…”-{John 11:21}.

Delays can often reveal something true within us, and indeed our false concepts about God. As in the case of David who four times within two verses cries out “How long O Lord…?” He had concluded with the delay that God had forgotten and abandoned him! -{Psalms 13:1-2}. Delays often reveal Doutbs within us about God and also at times our Distrust of Him to carry through what He says, which is to call Him a liar!

When Delays come we at times can tend end to lean to our own understanding and not on the faithfulness, and wisdom of God revealed through His Word!

  • Delays are not necessarily His denials, but can also be God’s teaching, training us to persevere and develop our faith in Him!-{Read Romans 5:3-4}. Don’t give up. Do continue praying and praising Him and trusting Him and His Promises! He is Faithful!

As sure as gravity pulls downwards…

The Alternative to Prayer? Is to spiritually Faint!

The solution to spiritually fainting? Pray! Keep on praying!


REMEMBER…Encourage yourself and ….HELP Others by Reminding yourself and them that…

God Keeps His Promises.

God Reigns.

God answers prayers “according to His will.”

Jesus Christ is Coming Again!

Keep Praying… He is your Focus, and Worthy to keep persevering 

God Bless.
