WHY “Serve The Lord With Gladness?” -{ Psalm 100:2-5}.
This is a Psalm of Thanksgiving.
The Command is to “serve the Lord…,” Who are we to “serve?”… The Lord! The second part of the command is HOW to “serve” Him, do so “…with gladness!” It is to do something because you delight, find joy and are glad to do it! Doing it from a heart of grateful appreciation and love to the LORD, because of His Love for you! WHY “serve Him with gladness?
The word “FOR,” gives the reason Why!
1. – Serve The Lord with Gladness – Because He is GOOD.
2. – Serve The Lord with Gladness – Because He is LOVING,
3. – Serve The Lord with Gladness -Because He is FAITHFUL
“FOR the Lord is good and His love endures forever;
His faithfulness continues through all generations.” -{v5}
Psalm 100 is a Psalm of THANKSGIVING- GIVING THANKS to the Lord… and you can…
- THANK Him that You can serve Him… and do so from a glad, grateful heart “FOR” =because He IS Good, Loving, Faithful…
- THINK of His character and keep Him before You…and remind yourself of His character and WHY you have reasons “FOR“ serving Him with delight, joy, and glad to!
- SPEAK to yourself these Three Truths to motivate and serve as an act of worship and to encourage others to do likewise!
- SHARE With Someone today the Three Reasons “FOR” serving the Lord with gladness.
Serving the LORD is not a Job but a Joy!