HOPE– Speaks of “Certainty” in the Scripture. A Strong and confident assurance in God to be and do what He promises! The Spirit of God uses His Word to enlighten, encourage, strengthen you to produce this God imparted Hope to you.
Hopelessness is when we Choose to leave God out of the equation or relegate His ability in our mind or doubt His care for us! We believe lies about God and do what He commands us not to- we choose to fall back and trust ourselves- leaning to our own understanding!
“These things are Written that through Perseverance and the Encouragement of the SCRIPTURES we might have HOPE...God GIVES Hope,” For “God is the God of ALL HOPE“-{Rom 15:4,5,13} Hope in God, Let Him encourage you through His WORD… Ask Him to do so and He will as this is His desire, delight and design for you In Christ! “HOPE in God!”
“Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my HOPE in God! I will praise Him again— my Savior and my God!”-{Ps 43:5}.
Note the Psalmist,
- CONFRONTS himself by asking questions of himself “Why…Why?” He seeks the reason “Why?” Then…
- CHANGES FOCUS- He determines what he will do instead of yielding to despair, he “will, this is an action…put his hope in GOD- Who He is. This is cause for knowing who He has revealed Himself in the SCRIPTURES.
- CELEBRATES GOD- Again notes he says “I will” an action to Celebrate God- “I will PRAISE Him” and note he says “again”, this was not his first time to praise Him!
- CONCENTRATE ON THE CHARACTER OF GOD- He celebrates God specifically His character and what He is to him. Note the word “my” mentioned twice. He had personal experience, ” my Savior…my God!” He concentrates his THINKING on who GOD is to him. CONCENTRATE….THINK ON HIS CHARACTER and who he has made Himself known to you as…this will help build you up in your faith and encourage HOPE in God as His Spirit empowers you to!
HOPE– Speaks of “Certainty” in the Scripture. A Strong and confident assurance in God to be and do what He promises! The Spirit of God uses His Word to enlighten, encourage, strengthen you to produce this God imparted Hope to you.
The temptation which can become a HABIT when you feel down is to do what? Depart from His Word, through choice. The choice to neglect it, whether reading, hearing or MEDITATING upon it… To somehow believe the LIE that it is not relevant to what you are feeling or going through. And so often that is one problem- destructive Feelings of despair are elevated above God and His WORD and dominate our thoughts and we throw down the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit- His Word and we are losing the fight of faith in our mind and it affects our emotions which influences our will and we spiral down into despair and HOPE in GOD Is exchanged for a LIE!
The more you choose to embrace the lie, it is like a car getting stuck in mud on a soft surface and the more you try and get out by putting your foot on the accelerator the more the tires spin and the deeper the “rut” is dug. Sound familiar?
If you are struggling with hopelessness, tell Him and ask Him to do what He promises in Romans 15:4 and 5. Two good verses to read, meditate, memorize and pray for yourself and someone else who may be discouraged.
Maybe write them out put in a place you will see regularly to help remind you, such as on a bathroom mirror and read them as you brush your teeth and if you did that twice a day in a month you would have read them approx. 60 times and before you know it you would have memorized them and the Holy Spirit can recall for yourself to apply them to your own life, and to help others through praying for them and sharing lovingly with them!
You never read or study His Word just for yourself but to be used by Him to help...OTHERS-{Read Ezra 7:10}. Others need HOPE and hey don’t need to be berated or clichĂ©s and you can help them through sharing His Word that there is HOPE that triumphs over the “rut” of despair, just as the Psalmist did in Psalm 43:5!
He uses His Word as a primary means to produce HOPE in us…and has given us His Son…
“Christ Jesus who GIVES us HOPE”-{1 Tim 1:1 NLT}-🙂