“Hope” is such a disheartening, defeatist, discouraging word. Think about it. The way we often use it shows how, such as “I guess there is nothing left to do but…pray.” Usually, we say it when the situation is beyond “Hope!” We “hope” circumstances change whatever they may be… we “hope” the weather would change”.. we “hope…” and have no assurance, confidence or certainty, there is no certainty simply uncertainty and no solid “hope,” to strengthen or comfort our hearts, indeed it can lead to despairing thoughts and mood. It is such a hopeless word, the way we often use it, and to be honest we use it when we are giving up, or have given up. It is a “defeatist” word, an emotional draining word of despair, the way we use it because of the thought and attitude as a result behind it when we use it.
But in The Scripture there is a word, “Hope” that is completely different. In the Old Testament it speaks of assurance, certainty, security, without care- no doubts! In the New Testament the word speaks of “confident expectation,” not only the desire for something good but the certainty of attaining that future good… which God will bring about. It is a word filled with…”Hope”… assurance… certainty, and it has as it’s foundation the Person, God Himself, His character and Word!
So, at times we need to check which “hope” are we using… the “hope of hopelessness” or the Hope of Scripture which focus on on God and His promises of certain future good which He will bring forth, and so we speak to ourselves the truth and say with the Psalmist, “why cast down o my soul, Put your HOPE IN GOD!” So, we HOPE in God,Who He is, how He reveals Himself in creation, in His unchanging Word, His promises. We hope in a Person- God Himself, and we look back and see how He has met us in the past and How He will meet us and remind ourselves that “they who Hope in God will NEVER be put to shame {disappointed}”-{Ps 25:3}. Indeed, for you the child of God, a child and recipient of the new birth who has a “Living Hope” through the resurrection of Christ, as Peter says {Read 1 Peter 1:3} Together we can remind ourselves of Him and choose to speak the truth of His Word to ourselves and with the Psalmist say “Put your HOPE IN GOD!”
To “Hope” in uncertainty will produce and spiral into THOUGHTS of despair, depression. To “Hope in God,” and the certainty of His proven character, Word, promises, will strengthen the soul… disperse the despair and produce praise … again… and the reason you will praise Him again? The Psalmist gives insight which you also have experienced in the past and will again experience …future good, namely he says “I shall PRAISE Him AGAIN FOR {The explanation given}… the HELP OF HIS PRESENCE!”
“Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him For the help {saving acts of} of His presence.” -{Psalm 42:5}
You are not alone in your trial, difficulty, as painful as it may be, He is present with you and He Will Help you- for He is the “GOD OF ALL HOPE”-{Read 1 Peter 5:10; Rom 15:13}. Feed your THOUGHTS on TRUTH- The Truth about God… The truth about HIS Promise of certainty- Future Good- HOPE. Speak to yourself truth, replace thoughts of despair with TRUTH and His promise to help. And every time a thought and sometimes it seems your mind is bombarded, flooded with thought after thought of hopelessness, strengthen your faith with responding with the TRUTH of God’s Word. Speak to yourself TRUTH!
Circumstances are TEMPORAL Truth is ETERNAL…
Be assured from SCRIPTURE, not even difficulties can hold you down… for note this word of Hope to you, “ …we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”-{Rom 5:3-5} Note, what God wants is to be “KNOWING” that “tribulation”{suffering , great pressures, difficulties} are producing…HOPE… and this HOPE does not, will not disappoint us because God’s love by His Spirit is poured out in our hearts, the assurance we are loved! Troubles…? God uses even these to bring about spiritual maturity and HOPE- the assurance, certainty, confident expectation in future good because GOD is in control and working all things even the difficult thing for our good…! Your troubles do not have dominion over you for over your troubles God holds dominion! “And He is working them all out for good…! This is His promise_{Read Rom 8:28-29}.
“Hope “in Psalm 42:5 is a command. Do it, Do it now. This is urgent., do it now keep doing it. keep hoping in God, this is His provision for our sadness, despair, depression. Hope is confident expectation of a future good. Hope in God. His Word. Peter said ” LORD to whom can we go, You have the words of eternal life.” {John 6:68}. Go To His Word to be encouraged, not discouraged, to be built up, not torn down, liberated not put in bondage, Let Him build you up, fill you with hope {Read Rom 15:4-5,13; Acts 20:32; John 8:31-32}.
Perhaps it is not you, but someone you know who is in a dark and difficult place, here is a good verse to pray for them, placing their name in the place of “you” in the verse- stand with them, pray for them and look to the GOD of Hope to birth that Joy once more in their heart to “again PRAISE Him!”
“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound` in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”-{Rom 15:13} –
We have a HOPE that is secure, an anchor for our soul;
“This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters [b]within the veil, where Jesus has entered as a forerunner for us, having become a high priest forever…”-{Heb 6:19-20}
“…Put your HOPE in GOD!” –