…is not in painful, heart-wrenching circumstances, BUT in…

1.- The Assurance that God is King-Sovereign– He is in control.- {Ish 45}.

2.- The Assurance -Nothing including these trials are too difficult for Him to deal with, -{Jer 32:17} and….

3.- The Assurance – they are working for Your spiritual development.– {2 Cor 4:17}

4.- The Assurance – that He will cause them “ALL” to work out for “Good”-{Gen 50:20; Rom 8:28)and…

5.- The Assurance that He is working them out for His Glory-(Rom 8:29; 1 Peter 5:12-16}

6.- The Assurance- that others can be comforted with God’s comfort through you as a result of your identification with them as a result of your trials. -{2 Cor 1:3-4}.

Trials are inevitable, often painful but by His grace we can learn to have PERSPECTIVE as we look at them through the lens of Scripture!

The Scripture reveals the Mind, will, and ways of God, the Holy Spirit gives us the eyes to see, understand, and apply, as He teaches us His ways in accordance with the Scriptures.

  • Take time to go read each reference and in doing so place yourself in the place where the Holy Spirit can strengthen you and Build you up in the Faith – from His Word!

God Bless,
