There are some days when due to difficulties, excessive pain of heart, sorrow, you wonder how will you get through it, and this verse can be an anchor, a strengthener from the living God that He is greater than the events, potentials of that day and He imparts and infuses strength for all you face and need for this day. You have strength for this day … to the hurting, helpless, hopelessness you may feel …He is here, present and know “As your day “ whatever it may bring or you face, be assured,” so shall your strength be” for all you face this day. Strength to love, strength to cast your burdens on Him,strength to do the next thing the right God honoring way. Strength that is greater than the sadness to honor Him and help others. His Grace is present tense sufficient for imparting strength for this day to get through it at times one second at a time . He who promises loves, cares and will keep His promise to you! There are days we are more conscious of our need, perhaps this is such a day for you, if so know…