NO ONE outside of YOU can stop YOU from Giving Thanks!

Paul in Colossians makes 7 references …or Reasons to be thankful.

The Greek word Paul uses here for thanks in 1:3 is “euxaristéō” it comes from two words that mean, “Good” and “Grace.” Thankful for God’s “Good Grace.” Isn’t that beautiful.

To be thankful means you are thankful for “God’s Good Grace.”

It is the acknowledgment and appreciation of God that “God’s Grace Works Well.”

It is “present tense” which means this is to be your pattern or lifestyle. We need to pause and think on that- To be a person who gives God thanks for His “Good Grace,” to you and others. The Good Grace of God you see in action in the lives of the “saints” in 1:3-5 for example. When Paul THOUGHT of the believers in Colosse it caused him to remember them before God and give Thanks To Him for His Grace that was working well in their lives! The “Good Grace” of God was evident in their lives and Paul expresses them in 1:3-5.

God is the OBJECT of this Thanksgiving, for Paul knows that God is the CAUSE of such change that has and is taking place in the lives of those to whom he writes to. We too upon noticing the Good Grace of God that is working in the lives of believers should cause us to Give Him thanks for His Good Grace that works well in others!

And Paul wrote and noted reasons to continually give Thanks to the Sovereign God in the midst of troubles. We can find reasons to Give God thanks for…if we look, pause, and Think!

  • So often because of our own sinful tendencies can look at Giving Thanks as of no use to us, especially in difficult times. We forget it is Thanks GIVING, not Thanks GETTING! We Don’t Give thanks to God to GET from Him but Because He is worthy to be admired and appreciated for His gift of His Good Grace that works well in us and all around us and we GIVE Him thanks for His “GOOD GRACE!”


  • Giving God Thanks Glorifies Him-{Reading Luke 17: 15-18} and is Doing His Revealed will.-{1 Thessalonians 5:19}. These are two motivations to do is and especially in hard times when emotionally it is hard. Push through because it Glorifies Him and you are doing His will as you do and expressing love to Him as you do so.-{Read John 14:21}.

Ask Him to remind you of what and who to give thanks to Him for and then start PRACTICING being a grateful person…

So, let’s look at 7 Reasons for us to Pause and Think and Practice Giving God Thanks for His “Good Grace”

  1. – Be Thankful for the SAINTS -and SPECIFICALLY note what are the reasons for that thanksgiving as seen by their spiritual position, For example -“saints” and then their practice such as “love.”- Read 1: 3-7
  2. – Be Thankful for the Father’s Salvation – 1:12-14
  3. – Be Thankful for Spiritual Progress – 2:6
  4. – Be Thankful for the Peace of Christ – 3:15
  5. – Be Thankful for the Word of Christ -3:16
  6. – Be Thankful For the ability to do all in the Name of Christ – 3:17
  7. -Be SATURATING your Praying with Thanksgiving- 4:2


By using the 7 Reasons to help CULTIVATE a Heart of thanksgiving IN YOUR praying…PERSONALIZE each one, “I Thank YOU Father for…” and name each of the 7 Blessings.


*** For those of you who like to write notes in your Bible. You could write the 7 references beside each verse to remind yourself of what to be thankful for when you pray and also to SHARE with others 7 reasons of what and How to be thankful in prayer!

God bless,
