Jesus visited the house of Martha and Mary. ” Martha, Martha you are anxious about many things…” Jesus said to her. It was not concerning the meal but her attitude in the making of the meal. The word ” anxiety” comes from two Greek words which mean- “to divide the mind!”
What is So significant about that? We are called to love God with our…minds! -( Read Matt 22:37). Anxiety DIVIDES our mind from devotion to The LORD! It DISTRACTS us from “seeking first the kingdom of God,” as our daily priority -{Read Luke 12:22-31}.
It divides our minds by pulling them in different directions and devastates our peace. It is destructive- and designed so!
So consider some ways anxiety can manifest itself in our relationships – with the LORD and those around us…
The fruit of Anxiety Martha displayed…
” Lord don’t You care”. She attacks His character! She doubts He cares for her. Like the disciples in the storm,” Lord don’t You care we are perishing?” The fruit of worry is to Doubt God cares for you! Sound familiar?
“…she has left ME to do all the work alone.” Her focus is on herself, look at me. Poor me. She is self-focused and missed that Jesus is in the house. The anxious heart can’t see anyone but themselves when their mind is distracted – it is all about self and not the Savior!
She demands of The LORD of glory,”… Then TELL HER To HELP ME! “ The anxious person is DEMANDING, DISRESPECTFUL, to God. Demanding that He serves her.
The anxious heart reverses roles, believing God is here to serve her as she demands and it is seen in our attitude that we believe, and behave, that God is our slave and we should be treated as a mini “God.” We may not say it but we believe He exists to serve us!
“…she has left ME TO DO ALL THE WORK ALONE. Then tell HER to help me.” The anxious heart tends to be critical, and demeaning towards others , focusing on what ” they” are not doing!
Jesus graciously responds that the problem is not Him, it is not Mary whom He commends Mary for doing,” the one thing needful,” she choose to be occupied with The LORD Jesus and what He has to say. She sat at His feet and listened to Him!
The problem was Martha’s attitude.” Martha, Martha YOU are ANXIOUS about MANY THINGS.” She was distracted by…a meal! The Lord does not say the meal is not good, it was Martha’s attitude in the making of the meal. She was anxious about many things! And so we see the ” fruit” of anxiety!
Do you find yourself Doubting God’s Care for you? Are you full of Self-Pity?Self focused? Do you find yourself Demanding? Are you Critical of others? These are 4 fruits of Anxiety!
The self-focused life is often seen in anxiety and its fruit!
Mary “choose the one thing needful” she chose To focus on Jesus… In the circumstances, you find yourself in realize The LORD is present. Do your work for Him… Recognize the “fruit of anxiety” which is a self-focused life very often manifested in the 4 fruits mentioned above,
Some people try and divert their bad behavior with the phrase ” I’m just a Martha,” as a way of diverting RESPONSIBILITY for their own behavior. Martha chose to behave the way she did. It was a choice she made. Mary made a choice also and God commended her!
** The Lord did not correct Martha because of her work but her attitude in her work.
How is your attitude in your work towards those around you? Remember God’s Word…” Do your work heartily unto The Lord.”
Anxiety is a choice, the fruit is not edifying. Choose to focus on The Lord Jesus , ” serve the LORD with GLADNESS.” Do your work heartily unto Him!
We can do the right thing with a wrong motive or with a God honoring motive. That choice is ours. Asking the LORD to help us to do so and He will !-( Phil 2:13)
It’s a new day, a new beginning. Make choices to honor Him. It begins in the mind. With Godly thinking.
Think of Him who is always with you and live by doing your work unto The Lord! Serve The Lord with GLADNESS today! You can do so, one choice at a time …
God bless- Guard your mind.