“…Ought always to Pray and Not Lose Heart.”-{Luke 18:1).
To “lose heart” or “faint” speaks of becoming so disheartened, discouraged, you give up, quit. God’s Remedy is to COMMAND, not a suggestion, not asking you to go with how you “feel” but commands you to Pray “always” which speaks of persistently! Jesus shows prayer is a Preservative from losing heart and spiritually fainting! He told them this for their own good, their emotional, mental spiritual good, and so it is for us. He tells us this as He desires our good! This is for our spiritual safety!
Prayer Is A Preservative not to hunker down in retreat but to strengthen us to go forward in faith in a Faithful God!
Prayer is a preservative for us . A Spiritual weapon to be used…
You feel discouraged? Pray. You feel like giving up? Pray. You are becoming disillusioned with what you see around you? Pray. You feel overwhelmed? Pray. You have experienced a great loss? Pray! You don’t see answers to your prayers? Pray! You Don’t feel like praying? Pray! You are weary in the fight of faith? Pray! You Feel anxious? Pray! You Feel tempted? Pray! Have You left your first Love for Christ? Pray! Are you ashamed of some sin?Pray! Are you feeling condemned? Pray! Are you listening to the evil one’s thought of accusation and condemnation and living in despair as a result? Pray! Begin afresh and Pray! Prayer is not only a Preservative from Losing Heart, spiritually fainting, becoming discouraged and giving up, but also…
Prayer is a command and as you Pray KNOW you are expressing love to God. Jesus said, ” He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him.”-{John 14:21}. As you CHOOSE to obey His COMMAND to Pray you are not only Honoring Him but expressing faith and LOVE to HIM!
What is one great motivation to continue Praying? You are Expressing Love to Him as you do! Have you ever thought of prayer as an Expression of Love to the LORD? He commands us to Pray and as you choose to obey this command then guess what? You are Loving Him! Since HE Commands us to prayer and when you do, you may not “feel” it but based on Scripture you are lovin’ on the LORD!
There have been times I HAVE BEEN SO WEARY, TIRED AND Prayer has been a battle to even begin to think about never mind do so,and I have said “LORD out of love for You I am going to pray,” and not that He needs my prayers but I need Him, but to talk myself through how I am feeling and choose to act on Truth and Pray because of what He says it expresses to Him when I do!
And don’t forget to thank God that He through the death, resurrection of His Son has provided access to His Throne… His favorable throne of Grace for you to have audience with Him, Almighty God where He willingly, gladly listens to your Prayer… So now what? Pray… Keep on Praying and when you don’t know what to do? Pray. When you do know what to do? Pray…. Pray at all times and not lose heart or spiritually faint and give way to discouragement and quit.
Prayer is the Cure, the disinfectant, the antidote, to counteract the poison of despair, of losing heart, and yielding to discouragement!
“Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged,
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness,
Take it to the Lord in prayer.”- {Joseph Scriven}
And don’t forget whose words “ought always to pray and not lose heart” are. They are the words of the Risen LORD Jesus Who sits on His Throne- Our Lord, Savior and Elder Brother. We have connections in the highest of High Places… Let us keep looking to Him and lean all our cares and prayers on Him…knowing He has the heart and ability to answer what He commands us to do and Pray!
You do not have to live nor succumb to but if you are presently living in despondency from spiritual fainting, having given up, there is a way out! There is Hope for you nd me for God is the “God of all Hope” who imparts Hope so that we may once again overflow with hope, and be strengthened with the “certainty” of hope!-{Read Rom 15:13}. God has given you and me His provision from Luke 18:1 how not to , but if we have we can get out and begin a fresh… and Pray… Talk to Him… and to continue by the strengthening of His inward Spirit to Obey and apply His Provision and…PRAY …
Prayer is A Preservative
Prayer Is A Love Issue
Prayer Is A Privilege
Keep Persevering in Praying!-🙂