Anxiety In The Heart Weighs It Down- {Proverbs 12:25}
“Anxiety in the heart causes depression…” – Proverbs 12:25
Anxiety left unchecked will run riot in the mind effecting you emotionally leading to depression. Anxiety unchecked has a devastating effect! Depression is serious, debilitating- and it can begin with an anxious thought that is accepted, embraced, coddled as “truth” and has devastating effects on the individual and often on those around them!
“Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop…Either an anxious care and solicitude about living in the world, as the word signifies;{ concern that someone feels about someone’s health, happiness, etc}. when it seizes a man’s spirits, it depresses them, and keeps them down: or a fear and dread of adversity, or sorrow and grief, on account of some calamity and distress; when it gets into a man’s heart, it sinks and bows it down, that it cannot take any pleasure or comfort in anything.”- {John Gill Commentary}
Anxious thoughts unchecked will take you CAPTIVE or you can choose to take them CAPTIVE in obedience to Christ! Anxiety always travels with fear (Luke 12:7,25). Anxiety is perverted faith! It is to DOUBT God’s care for us and His intimate involvement. It is a faith issue. -(Luke 12:28)
Anxiety begins with a THOUGHT. A THOUGHT that does not include God or misrepresents Him! Either you CHOOSE to THINK on it and be taken CAPTIVE to it OR you take it CAPTIVE to obedience to Christ!
Perverse faith which is what anxiety is and is a THINKING DISTORTION OF FAITH!
Luke 12 27-28! – Ask yourself – which Promise of God cannot be trusted? What is there about the Lord Jesus cannot be trusted? Because when we choose to SIN against God by attacking His character and His Word…that is what we do!
The focus is on…self and off of the LORD JESUS!
There is a way to break the devastating…pattern.
1. – THINK GODLY THOUGHTS… “BUT …” is The glorious Divine INTERRUPTION! We do not have to live the “old way” we always responded, But now for us “in Christ” there is a New way, a new Power, a new life, to enable us!God says, He has an alternative, “…But A GOOD WORD MAKES IT GLAD.”
Note; “A GOOD WORD” – just one good word causes the heart to go from anxiety to GLADNESS! Such is the power of God’s Word! THINK on that! The Hebrew word for “good, ” is “Towb” Beautiful, pleasant, agreeable word,good. proper, right, jubilant, gracious, festive.
The word “GLAD,”{Samach}- “be glad, rejoice” and means to “…take pleasure in Judges 9:19 (twice in verse); Deuteronomy 33:18; Ecclesiastes 3:22 “
Figuratively probably “to Brighten up.” Anxiety brings the heart down and a good word BRINGS IT UP!
Not just thinking but PERSEVERING in maintaining an attitude of faith in the Lord! At the point we cease to persevere is the moment we stop living by faith in Him. The battle is for your mind and the goal is to keep you from trusting The Lord!
“… A Good Word makes it GLAD!”- A word of “COMPASSION, KINDNESS,.” Anxiety takes the heart down, a Good word Lifts it up!
* THINK ON the Character of God
* THINK ON the Promises of God (see Luke 12:27-32) . God’s promises are ” PRECIOUS AND MAGNIFICENT.” – 2 Peter 1:3-4 . They are to be Appropriated, not merely admired!
Take Him at His Word.
REJOICING IN THE LORD AND THANKFULNESS IS HUGE in battling Anxiety (See Phil 4:4,6). Rejoice in “The LORD,” Who He is. His unchanging character, Promises. Thank God for who He is. Thank God for His promises which are true. Thank God for the ability to apply them. Thank God that Jesus died for the SIN of Anxiety that you may NEVER BE A SLAVE TO UR AGAIN! If it is not in His life it is not to be in yours or mine! Often we have responded with anxiety and it is a SINFUL response… And until we see that we will continue down this toad accepting this is my life! That’s a lie! You gave been freed from the son if anxiety and though tempted you do not have to YIELD to the temptation to sin against God. Anxiety says,” God I know You mean well but I cannot trust You, so I will handle thus myself !” And how has that worked out for you? If your like me – not too well!
Choose to keep from spiraling into depression , or if you are there, choose to break the spiral by THINKING on A Good word about God, His Promises and your heart will be nourished, strengthened and GLADDENED!
“Let the Word of Christ dwell in you RICHLY…” – Col 3:16
CHOOSE TO TAKE CAPTIVE anxious thoughts through THINKING ON A GOOD WORD – “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”-{Read 2 Cor 10:5;} “Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.” – {Phil 4:8}. Think and Trust on and in God’s character and God’s Promises and your heart will be GLAD!
*** If you are not the one who is anxious BUT come across a person who is “anxious” and bowed down, you can ENCOURAGE, COMFORT, Speak KINDNESS with a timely word…. you can be part of God’s healing process.
What better ” good word” is there than His Word…,
It DOES “COMFORT” – {Psalm 119:50}.
It DOES “ENCOURAGE.” – {Romans 15:4}
It DOES give “HOPE.” – {Romans 15:4}.
It DOES help the “WEARY” – {Isaiah 50:4}
It DOES “make the heart GLAD” – {Proverbs 12:25}
It DOES reveal JESUS CHRIST – {Luke 24:27}.
Be being kind to those who are anxious. They need an ENCOURAGING word. Be ready to serve them in love, we all need such people in our lives. It may be your example that spurs on others to do likewise. It may be you who is in need sometime. God bless and encourage you.