…Another reason is that we do not believe that God cares for us, therefore we do not give Him our anxieties and that is because either we do not know or believe that we can live free and need to be informed or reminded of the truth that The LORD Jesus has Set us free! We are not free from the temptation but FREE from living in the grips and bondage of anxiety and having to respond as we always have in the past, by submitting to it, where it is a habit we have which we have carried over from before we were free and belonging to the LORD Jesus!
Sure we are tempted, but are we slaves where we have to succumb? Or can the temptation to worry be overcome? Has Jesus Christ made provision? Yes He has…
The PROMISE OF PEACE from God for the heart and Mind {Read Philippians 4:7}, is made to those who do what in Phil 4:6.. Read and note the four things He tells us to do, by faith.And to those who does He promises, and provides peace fo heart and mind to guard us, How relieving, and wonderful!
Maybe it’s time we gave up worry and appropriated God’s Provision in Phil 4;6 and 1 Peter 5:7 and His Promise regarding any TEMPTATION in 1 Cor 10:13…THESE are three good verses for you to read, pray, and to encourage you How to win against the TEMPTATION to Worry…read them and personalize them
“God has given us Everything pertaining to life and Godliness “-{2 Peter 1:3}. Personalize it. “God has given me everything I need for Life and Godliness”… “I can do ALL things through Christ who infuses me with strength”-{Phil 4:13}
God Bless,