Testimony To Life And Death- {Philippians 1:21}
Paul defines what Life and Death are to him…”To me- to Live =Christ. To Die=gain.”-Philippians 1:21. He does not speak for John, Peter, or anyone else, only himself. His Testimony. His purpose, pursuit. His reason for living and dying was a Person- Christ.
How would your life define -life and death according to the way you live it? Christ? Something or someone else? Defining life is who and what we live for as the primary pursuit, goal, reason for living. “I live for___________!
Death was “gain” for him. He says because he would “…be with Christ.”-Philippians 1:23. So the primary thing for him was ,”…Christ magnified {made big, great} in my body whether by life or death.”
The simplicity of the statement, “to me to live is Christ to die is gain” comes about through a renunciation of living for self as the master pursuit and instead surrender to Christ, no longer to live for ourselves but for Him who died for us.” “to me to live is Christ…” irrespective of the circumstances I find myself in. Paul imprisoned, opposed by jealous preachers who were seeking to his hurt. Irrespective- “to me to live=Christ, to die=gain!”- Paul’s testimony. What is your testimony? Everyone has a TESTIMONY to LIFE & DEATH. What they believe is LIVED out. Choose Christ.
A Challenge – Evaluate who or what you are living for. What does your life define you as living and dying for?
A Choice – Whom will you choose to live for? What changes do you need to make in order for you too to have a testimony with your life and lips which express- “to me to live= Christ, to die =gain” You can’t go back but you can go on-