You have been through tests, hardships, pain, setbacks, floods of tears until you could cry no more, mental anguish, and knockdowns of all sorts and have come out the other end still standing, still trusting God, praising Him, more secure in His faithfulness because your faith is genuine, the real deal, and one reason which theses trials, troubles, testings, reveal…is to Prove to you, your faith in Christ is genuine! “These trials will show that your faith is genuine”- {1 Peter 1:6 NLT}.

And this brings assurance that you are His, not based on a profession but based on a faith that HAS BEEN PROVEN that relies on, trusts, leans on, depends, and confides in the LORD Jesus Christ in times of crisis and deep, deep trials, sufferings, and troubles!

You have the Stamp of God’s approval on your life as being authentic, the real deal, Genuine Saving faith, and these trials have testified through your responses, you are His, and your faith is genuine!

For you have not rejected the LORD Jesus, you have not walked away and abandoned your faith, though perhaps tempted, questioned,and perhaps even for a moment resigned, thrown in the towel, given in your notice, quit,…but you got back up and followed again and again and again… but you have and are still standing, still trusting, still praying, still praising, still persevering despite the heartbreak perhaps, but still persevering, still believing, still proclaiming His Name and looking to Him by faith to live to honor and follow Him… These trials and sufferings that you thought would DESTROY you have in fact DEVELOPED your faith and DISPLAYED Genuine faith in the LORD Jesus which you have because the Spirit of God lives in you to strengthen and His Word is gifted to instruct and guide you.

No, you have, like Paul -{Read 2 Cor 1:9} not always got the answer to prayer you desired but you have received empowering grace, sufficient to get through this present second and the next, and your life has not depended on getting your own way but faith developed and displayed which we know faith Glorifies Him and Pleases Him and this you are doing- {Read Romans 4:19-21- Heb 11:6}

And as shocking, and hard as some of what you have been through these trials did not destroy your faith but revealed your faith is GENUINE- You Belong to the LORD Jesus!!

So we CELEBRATE your TESTIMONY and you too can REJOICE in the Reality of a Genuine faith that you possess!

Peter says your faith is more precious than gold, which was the most valuable commodity of his day. You have something greater than gold, for it is temporal but your faith is of eternal Worth! This is God’s verdict in 1 Peter 1:6-8…

And Peter says, your faith that is genuine and has been proven in your trials, troubles, sufferings is one reason to “GREATLY REJOICE'”- {1 Peter 1:8}. You have GENUINE Saving Faith that has been tested and PROVEN in the flames of the furnace of fiery trials.

Take hope, and be encouraged, what you thought would destroy you has ultimately DISPLAYED your faith in Christ is genuine. You are the real deal, to the Glory of GOD!


You have a faith that has been tested over and over in many different ways but has not been destroyed, but the opposite developed and on Display as Genuine, assuring and proving you belong to the LORD Jesus

” There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure many trials for a little while. These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory, and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.

  • Genuine, saving faith is not destroyed in the furnace of affliction but displayed…developed and you have shown that because of the Holy Spirit within you producing and revealing it! Your testimony has not been burned up but burns brightly of the saving work of the LORD Jesus Christ in your life! SHINE ON!

You love Him even though you have never seen Him. Though you do not see Him now, you trust Him; and you rejoice with glorious, inexpressible joy.”- {1 Peter 1:6-8 NLT}

God Bless,
