Mark gives us some insight into the ministry of the LORD Jesus and 4 Things  as I read through the Gospel of Mark in chapter 6 that I hope will encourage you are…


They were amazed by Jesus’ teaching, acknowledged His wisdom and miracles, and yet were offended by Him!

Why? He left Nazareth a carpenter and now returns a Miracle worker with a Message that they were amazed. And He even behaved like He was a Rabbi, having His own…disciples, followers!

They saw Him as a threat to their way of life, their authority, in the  His popularity with the people and calling out their hypocrisy. They wanted rid of Him. They saw Jesus as a threat to their view of life, their worldview. They believed and taught salvation through the keeping of the law and to upholding their traditions, where Jesus said salvation was exclusively through Him! The Pharisees saw themselves as teachers of what was right. They saw some of their followers turn follow Jesus who also taught sinners, associating with them whom they looked down on. Jesus was different, opposite to them and needed to be opposed!

  • So when they say “Is this not the carpenter” it was not a compliment but a put-down! He had no Theological training, was not a known disciple of a famous Rabbi, and besides they knew His family. When they said,
  • “Is this not the Son of Mary,” also an insult, “This also was not a compliment. “The additional phrase ‘the son of Mary’ is probably disparaging. It was contrary to Jewish usage to describe a man as the son of his mother, even when she was a widow, except in insulting terms. Rumors to the effect that Jesus was illegitimate appear to have circulated in his own lifetime and may lie behind this reference as well.” (Lane). The way in those times to show respect was to say as in Luke 4:22 “Is this not Joseph’s Son?” In those times in that society you referred to the person as “the Son of the Father!”

They knew His family, Mary, and those brothers and sisters who grew up with Him. They had the evidence of miracles and message, but their minds were made up “…they took offense at Him!”- {v1-3}

Jesus responded that a prophet is not welcome in his hometown, among relatives, or own household. and Jesus “…wondered at their unbelief,”- {v 6}. But it didn’t stop him or cause Him to quit. He continued “…going around the villages TEACHING.” -{v 6}.

  • Opposition when identifed with Jesus is nothing new. Stephen experienced it. Paul experiencng it. The Philipian church wee to know they had been giftedthe privilege to suffer for Christ sake through their identificatin with Him. Joh on the isle of Pathos for thesake of Christ. Banished to that hard place for Jesus sake!

What lessons can we learn from verses 1-6?

DON’T BE SURPRISED! Expect opposition and rejection, sometimes from your community, family, and those familiar with you. Don’t quit! Don’t yield to despair and seek their approval at the expense of compromising the truth about Jesus and His Word!. Continue living for CHRIST and sharing His Word.

Jesus sent the twelve out with PURPOSE;


“and He instructed them that they were to take nothing for their journey, except a mere staff—no bread, no bag, no money in their belt—“-{v8}. “To Take nothing for thir journey.”-The Jewish Rabbi’s had a rule that you could not enter the temple area with a staff, shoes, moneybag, the reason wasthat thet did not have the appearance of being involved with any other buisness than sevice to the LORD. “The disciples were engaged in such holy work {preaching the Gpspel and btinging God’s healing} that they could not give the impression that they have any other motive.”[{Guzik}

They were called to live in dependance upon Him to provide…. to trust Him… to find He would be faithful…and He was!


And He summoned the twelve and began to send them out in pairs, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits…And they went out and preached that people are to repent.”-{v 7, 12}

  • They had God-given authority to overcome the demonic realm
  • They had a God- Given MESSAGE. To tell all people to “REPENT.” This is the message from Jesus that He preached while on earth, after His resurrection it was the message He commissioned the disciples with- {Luke 24:46-48}. It was the message Peter preached on the day of Pentecost when 3000 were saved. -{Acts 2:37-38.} It was the message of the apostle Paul. -{Acts 20:21}. It is the message from hell-{Luke 16:30}. t”
  • It is the message from hell, heaven, and still the message today from Jesus for all people, but is often the NEGLECTED MESSAGE!
  • The LORD Jesus not only told them they would have authority over the demonic realm when they acted on His Word they saw what He said was true, “…And they were casting out many demons and were anointing with oil many sick people and healing them.”-{v 13}. Jesus sent them out with authority over the unclean spirits and the MESSAGE oFf REPENTANCE for all to change their mind about Who God is, who they are, about sin, and what He says they are to do. A Change of mind that leads to a change of direction, priorities, and purposes of life!

4.- MIRACLES BY JESUS {v 33-52}

“And He could not do any miracle there except that He laid His hands on a few sick people and healed them. And He was amazed at their unbelief.”-{v5-6}. Wat “amazed” Jesus when He went back to their own town? It was not their ignorance but defiance.Their unbelif-their unwillingness to believe Him. But mercifully, kindly, compassionately Hereached out and personally touched them and Healed Him. How mwerciful is He. Later on in the chapter weread of His performing several miracles, the feeding of five thousand men, and they were all full and there were left overs! He took five loaves and two small fish and miraculously fed everyone, and all were satisfied, all were full, no mattere how big or small their appeteite they all had enough and still there wasleft over! Jesus did that, without strain, effortlessly He showed Himself as the One who works Miracles! What was impossible for the discipls and all was possible for Jesus. he wasso concerned that the crowds had been with Him or three days and to send them away He was concerned they would faint on theri way home because they had nothing to eat. He cared for them. Jesus cares!

Then we seethe disciples inthe boat nd the wind and storm whipped up and Jessu walks on water to them and quitenes the storms and they are also amazed at Jesus….

For your Contemplation, Realization, Application, Co Operation with Jesus;

  • OPPOSITION BECAUSE OF JESUS… is to be Expected as Paul shared with the Philiipan belivers- {Phil 1:29-30}
  • DEPENDANCE ON JESUS- We ae depend o Him, His promises, Word, and His Spirit to empower us to live this life-{Read 2 Cor 3:5;Phil 2:13; 2 Peter 1:3-4}
  • MESSAGE OF JESUS The Message of Jesus is still the same . Repent and believe the gospel. This is what we are to tell people what Jesus says. Take them to this chapter and verse 12; Luke 24:46-49}
  • MIRACLE TODAY BY JESUS – The New Birth the greates of all! {John 3:3-8}


God bless,
