Your Failures do not Define you! God will not discard you.
God desires to restore you to Himself and use you once again.
Indeed, in greater means to aid others in advancing His kingdom!
In my THOUGHTS this past week one of the things I have been thinking on has been Peter and his failure… and the verse that Jesus says,
“…when you have turned STRENGTHEN THE BRETHREN”- Luke 22:32
The verb “strengthen” is Greek sterizo, “to cause to be inwardly firm or committed, ‘confirm, establish, strengthen.’ It is a word of hope, sufficiency, substantial word — “Strengthen.” It is the mission Jesus has picked out for Peter before he would fail him! For you and me – who have failed the LORD so many times, it is our mission too. Which of our brothers and sisters do not need to be inwardly strengthened?
“And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.” (1 Peter 5:10).This verse is full of PROMISE, its four verbs so full of promise: restore (katartizo), strengthen (sterizo), make firm (sthenoo), and make steadfast (themelioo). Here are some other NT passages that use Greek word sterizo and tell of God’s strengthening:
“Now to him who is able to establish you by my gospel and the proclamation of Jesus Christ….” (Romans 16:25)
“May he strengthen your hearts so that you will be blameless and holy in the presence of our God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all his holy ones.” (1 Thessalonians 3:13)
“May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father … encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.” (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17)
“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.” (2 Thessalonians 3:3)
“You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near.” (James 5:8)
– JESUS – strengthens His servants, and in turn they are go out to strengthen their brothers and sisters.{Luke 22:32}
This Greek word sterizo is used several times in the New Testament concerning this ministry of strengthening our brothers and sisters in the Lord:
PAUL – “Paul … traveled from place to place … strengthening all the disciples.” (Acts 18:23)
TIMOTHY – “We sent Timothy, who is our brother and God’s fellow worker in spreading the gospel of Christ, to strengthen and encourage you in your faith.” (1 Thessalonians 3:2)
PETER – “So I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have.” (2 Peter 1:12).
Peter, after his own lapse of faith, can come along others and warn them of the dangers of satan who desires to “sift as wheat” and also to tempt them into denying the Lord and sinning against Him. Peter can testify to those who have had a lapse of faith that there is strength for returning to the LORD. And also, in the temptation, that there is strength they can find in the Lord Jesus. Strength to obey. Strength for the difficulties, strength derived by faith from the Lord Jesus!
Weakness and Strength
Peter in Luke 22 when told “that satan desired to sift him as wheat,” ignored the warning and instead leaned to his own understanding, foolishly boasting that he was willing to go to prison even die with the Lord if necessary. He meant it, but he was ignorant of his own heart. He believed he was sufficient within himself, when in reality he was not. Neither are you or me, for that matter. Jesus said, “Apart from Me you can do nothing!” {John 15:10.} But with Paul we can learn to rely and derive our sufficiency from Him.” Not that we are sufficient within ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God.”{2 Cor 3:5}. After Peter failed the Lord, his lapse in faith was not fatal. The LORD restored Him and in dependence upon Him in the midst of persecution leaning on the LORD. Peter’s power and strength, were found in the LORD. His weakness, His failure were means to be used for good in leaning on the LORD and not on himself! He was strengthened in order to strengthen many others around him and for the future generations down the centuries! .
“Did Jesus pray for them? Yes he did. But he did not ask the Father to guard their faith in the very same way he guarded Peter’s. God broke the back of Peter’s pride and self-reliance that night in the agony of Satan’s sieve. But he did not let him go. He turned him around and forgave him and restored him and strengthened his faith. And now it was Peter’s mission to strengthen the other ten. Jesus provided for the ten by providing for Peter. The strengthened becomes the strengthener.
There is a great lesson here for us. Sometimes God will deal with you directly, strengthening your faith alone in the wee hours of the morning. But most of the time (we might say ten-elevenths of the time) God strengthens our faith through another person. God sends us some Simon Peter who brings just the word of grace we need to keep on in the faith: some testimony about how “Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning” (Psalm 30:5). Eternal security is a community project. Whenever God encourages your heart with the promise that in Satan’s sifting your faith will not fail, then take that encouragement and double your joy by using it to strengthen your brothers and sisters.”-{PIPER.}
1. – JESUS KNEW BEFORE PETER DID– that he would Sin and fail. And yet, He offers him hope, when he has returned to Him then Peter is commissioned by Jesus to, “Strengthen the brothers.”
2. – JESUS SOUGHT HIM OUT– WHEN HE AROSE- “Go tell PETER…” his name was the one mentioned when He arose from the dead. He tenderly wants him to know He is alive!
3. – JESUS SOUGHT HIM OUT AGAIN– When Peter said he was going back fishing- the LORD CAME and made breakfast for him and the other disciples and when Peter saw it was him jumped out of the boat to get to him and the Lord not only restored him- not berating him about denying him and cursing and withdrawing from Him in His hour of great need. He simply asked a question that got to the root of the problem-{of all our problems} …asking him “do you love Me….” The word he uses for “love” is that which speaks of supreme love and commitment- Peter responded with a word for “love” that speaks of affection or to like. Finally Jesus asks “Do you love- have affection for Me?” This is when Peter says “Lord You know all things; You know that I love You.”- John 21:17….” He appeals to His heart, His Knowledge, His omniscience. Jesus did not discard him but restores him and gives him responsibility- this is amazing grace. Your failures do not define you, do not let them drag you down into despair, but in returning to Jesus there is forgiveness, love and hope for you and me. And with it, is given responsibility to minister on behalf of the LORD to His people!
The Lord in His “GREAT MERCY” – 1 Peter 1:3 and “GREAT {the word means “INTENSE”} love”- Eph 2:4. He restored him by giving- entrusting him with RESPONSIBILITY- “Feed My sheep”- John 21:17. The Lord Jesus does not discard Peter but restores him and with it entrusts him with responsibility. Failure need not be final for you as a Christian. God is the God of Hoe, restoration!
6. – PETER FAILED AGAIN– Galatians he was “afraid” and his fear led him to withdraw form some brethren because he feared others and to such an extent even Barnabus was led astray into hypocrisy- again the Lord restored him through Paul… was his failure this time the final nail in the coffin? NO! God is not vindictive. God is restorative. He is compassionate. Failure was not final with Peter, neither is it with you!
7.- JESUS had Peter pen TWO BOOKS- 1 and 2 PETER. In these books he writes words to encourage the brethren in times of “fiery trials” and reminds them about the great mercy of God- 1 Peter 1:3 and the great benefits of His resurrection- 1:3-10. In their great suffering he turns their thinking to the GREATNESS OF GOD and the GREATNESSS of the Salvation he has blessed them with. They have been “born again to a living Hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” They have an inheritance that will not decay or fade away; They have their very soul’s “kept by the POWER OF GOD”… as Luther said, “the body they may kill , but truth abideth still….” and they had an unseen Savior who knew they had not seen Him but that they “loved Him” and Peter strengthens the brethren… out of the ashes rises a man – falwed but with a Redeeming Savior who is “able to make ALL THINGS{including our sins and failures] work for good….” and for the blessing of others.
Think how many people down the centuries have turned to Peter’s words and have been strengthened, indeed encourage your own heart with the words he penned on behalf of God! “After you have suffered a little while the God of All Grace will… STRENGTHEN, establishing ….you” -1 PETER 5:10….
Peter begins one of his writings extoling the grace of the Lord and then finishes the book again with the “Grace” of the Lord and telling us to grow in our grace knowledge of their Lord Jesus- he has been such an encourager and strengthener SO MANY OF OVER THE CENTURIES – THOUGH HE BE DEAD YET HE STILL SPEAKS. THE LORD JESUS IS STILL USING HIM EVEN TODAY AS YOU READ I HOPE From his writings – be encouraged. GOD HAS BEGUN A good work in you- even your failures entrusted to Him, He can and will use for good and others will benefit. No need to withdraw, no need to isolate yourself- no need to accept condemnation – no dear friend, like the rest of us you too have “feet of clay” humanity and self and sin are constant battles aren’t they- But we have Hope through the precious and powerful BLOOD OF THE LORD JESUS- “ALL our transgressions” are forgiven- Guaranteed ON THAT CROSS AND ATTESTED TO THROUGH THE RESSURECTION of My and YOUR Lord Jesus Christ! God has and will continue to use you to know Him and make Him known. Think of the opprtunities Paul had in prison to be down and discouraged. In Philippians 1 we read he was imprisoned, others were jealous of him and trying to cause him harm, and he had a death sentence hanging over him – yet he PRAYED of others{3-6,9-11} He REACHED out and contacted them through writing a note. He REACHED out to the lost{v 13}. He reached out and encouraged other prisoners to speak the Word of God without fear. [v14} Think of your own situations and HOW YOU TOO can PRAY for Others and REACH OUT… EMAIL- PHONE.. LETTER SO MANY WAYS….. Don’t lie down and accept that your failure is final but let God use you again and again and again to worship Him and as the woman who was “forgiven much she loved much”…Keep Looking to Him and Loving Him and He will continue to build His legacy trough you for the benefit of others and His ultimate Glory!!
God does not throw away His “failures”- He LOVES US{Rev 1:5….}
Justice was handed out for our sins- all of them and mercy kissed and God made provision with His Great Mercy through the resurrection of the Lord Jesus”- 1 PETER 1:3 through mercy for the miserable and we are now no longer condemned by Him – accused by the evil one and even ourselves as we fail to grasp His amazing Grace that it is not by our works but His that declares His Law and Holiness satisfied as Jesus is our Substitute and we now are what he says we are “servant’s of the Most High…” and “saints.” Good news- Jesus know what we will do before we do it and He has promised never to abandon us or leave us – in the “good times” or “sinful” or “failing times” – He is committed to us – even when we are not to Him- what love He shows- what GRACIOUSNESS… what FRIENDSHIP!!! HIS WORK- HIS FAITHFULNESS, HIS LOVE AND COMMITMENT is to be our resting place not our striving to convince Him we are sorry or working hard enough to earn His love- NO – HIS CROSS must never be relegated to insufficient but as Paul said we GLORY in the CROSS – BECAUSE of WHO WAS there- OUR SUBSITUTE… OUR SIN BEARER… OUR LOVER OF SOULS- THE LORD JESUS…
May His love fill your heart today as you contemplate Him…. the FRIEND OF SINNER’S.. that
There is HOPE FOR FAILURES and indeed…
Peter is known as, “the apostle of HOPE.” What a wonderful God we have. Your failures do not define you. You as me are to learn from them, but don’t linger there for the evil one will condemn and seek to spiritually paralyze you. Arise shake off the guilty fears for the Blood of the Lord Jesus is sufficient for you. The Lord Jesus Christ is your Advocate. Nothing can separate you from the Love of God in Christ!
1. IS THE BLOOD OF JESUS INSUFFICIENT FOR YOUR SIN OR FAILURE? NO! { “…and the blood of Jesus , His Son purifies us from ALL sin…If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and WILL FORGIVE us of our sins and purify us from ALL unrighteousness,”}- 1 John 1:7,9
2. CHOOSE TO THINK ON HIS AMAZING GRACE AND LOVE FOR YOU! {Ephesians 2:4-5; Rev 1:5; Romans 5:8}
3. BEGIN AFRESH BECAUSE– God gives you the capacity { 2 Peter 1:3} God gives you “precious and magnificent promises” to ASSURE you!{ 2 Peter 1:4}
4. MEMORIZE and MEDITATE ON- Romans 15:13 “I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.”
- Put it on a 3 by 5 card and carry with you and when you ahve free moments read it word for word, Meditate one enach word, phrase and PRAISE God that HE is the God of gope who imparts Hope- the assurance, the certainty, and with it all joy, and peace.”
5. SHARE his article or the verses above with someone who has failed and has sunk down who needs encouragement and hope.