“Therefore, prepare {Gird the loins of } your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, FIX your hope Completely on the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”- {1 Peter 1:13}

Biblical “Hope” speaks not of a wish or a chance but the assurance of future good  that God has promised. Based on what He has done, His character, His future promise is a certainty as He fulfills all of His promises. Upon His second coming He is bringing Grace to the believers and they as we will receive our inheritance, glorification, full salvation, and the delight, eternal bliss of being with Him for all eternity!

“Now to Him who is able…, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy,”-{Jude v 24}. His delight to have you there and that not with any sin, condemnation but  “blameless… faultless…” and He presents you not with Great reluctance, Great apathy, Great indifference, Great disgust, but look what He says,”…with GREAT…JOY.” His delight you are there and He makes you, enable’s you to stand in the presence of Pure and perfect Holiness of His Glory. You will be fitted by Him to be able to stand so, because of His …GRACE! He saved us by Grace, He sustains us by Grace -{Read 2 Cor 12:9; Phil 1:6} and we will be presented in glory all as as a result of… His GRACE.

And that represents the Glorification when our salvation is completed and we see and be with Him for all eternity. And this is all a result of God’s Graciousness to receive. “…an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who by God’s power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.”-{ 1 Peter 1;4-5}.

When you think of Him, think on what He has done by saving you through His Grace to a “living Hope”-{ 1 Peter 1:2} and a future inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled and will not fade away, and this salvation is “kept,” the word spoke of a military “guard,” “protecting” and who is it who is guarding, protecting your soul? God Himself! Set your Hope on Him who guards your soul! And it is all by His GRACE!

His promise of Grace to be brought to us is to help focus our thinking, and so we are to OBEY His command continually to “set, fix our hope” on His future grace that is being brought to us at His return! Hope in God! He is trustworthy! These people whom Peter writes to were suffering, and Peter has them look thugh to the future fulfilment of this “hope.”

HOW DO YOU “Fix your hope continually on the grace that is being brought to you?”

1.”Gird up your mind for action.”-“Gird up,” was used of men who wore long robes, pulling them up and tucking in their belt so they could move, run, unimpeded and not trip over the long robe. So we have to guard our mind, remove all the hindrances to thinking clearly, on the things of eternity. De-clutter your mind! Think on truth, renew your mind, SO that you can discern from the Scriptures what is worthy of you to dwell your thinking upon, to have God’s perspective, an eternal perspective to help through earthly living, including suffering!!- {Read Phil 4:8; Rom 12:2; Col 3:1-3}

2.”Be Sober”- Had to do with not being drunk, metaphorically was not to be controlled, by being intoxicated with the things, values, pursuits of the world’s system.

What controls your thinking influences your focus and decision making!

And if we choose to do these two things continually, we will be able to obey the continual command, to “Fix your hope” on the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ! –

You were Saved by Grace,-{Eph 2;8-9}; Sustained by Grace {2 Cor 12:9}. Strengthened to serve by GRACE -{2 Tim 2:1}, and will culminate with you spending eternity with Him all by God’s Grace.

Every funeral of a believer, as sad, deeply painful, as it is for loved one’s left behind is an act of grace. God taking Home His own to enjoy Him and experience the fullness of their salvation in glorification and to bask in the kindness, the grace of God forever and ever and ever without end! “…so that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.”-{Eph 2:7}. What will Heaven be like? One aspect will be a place of kindness, where indeed so to speak the very atmosphere, the “oxygen” will be one of kindness and all by His lavishing it upon us! How great is the God of Grace! What is a loved one in Christ now experiencing? The pure unadulterated kindness of God lavished upon them!

“Fix your Hope completely on the grace that is being brought to you….”

THE KING IS COMING – Fix your hope completely on THE GRACE that is coming to you!